Ashley And Brad Show



Ashley and Brad bring upbeat fun and laughs, and the best in pop culture to you every week day. The show features funny bits, trivia, and popular guest interviews, along with humorous conversation, and the latest in entertainment and music news. Ashley and Brad are both married (not to each other!) and have children. Ashley has two girls, and Brad has two boys. Both are pet lovers, and own dogs. Together Ashley & Brad deliver laughs and entertainment, while sharing their life with you!


  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-11

    12/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    news birthdays/events would AI bosses be better?   word of the day news old fashioned tech terms we still use today game: quiz game: feud news a teacher in bc got in lots of trouble for letting kids in gym class hit each other with pool noodles terms/phrases that were invented from tv shows/movies game: 6 year old trivia news some restaurants in america want to put restrictions on diners...but what about what they're doing in the u.k.? some of the best/most iconic riffs and song lyrics were improvised on the spot goodbye/fun facts....National Clean Out Your Closet Week (although if you're cleaning out your closet AND your kids''ll probably need more than a week!) Cleaning out your closet once per year will keep the accumulation of clothes, shoes, and accessories from getting out of hand. There are many methods from organizational emptying out the entire closet (like you're moving) and only putting back the things you want to keep...or turning the hangers backwards on the closet ro

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-8

    09/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    news birthdays/events game: movie taglines word of the day news most underwhelming tourist spots around the world game: just over $1000 pyramid how does a no name like ashley pitch hollywood on a good tv idea? news does your favorite sport change? (especially in an olympic year?) game: how cultured are ashley and brad they asked kids questions about marriage (8-10 year olds) news popular snacks that aldults are searching for the same high school pranks we pulled...can now can get you arrested goodbye/fun facts....National Proofreading Day, celebrated each year on March 8, is a day to promote error-free writing. We all make typos, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors when we write, especially if we are moving too fast! Silly mistakes like spelling errors or using the incorrect punctuation make it seem like we are lazy, ignorant, or simply don’t care.  National Proofreading Day is an opportunity to slow down, proofread our work, and then proof it again.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-7

    08/03/2024 Duración: 39min

    news birthdays/events celebrities are being celebrated for picking up after themselves...seriously?!?! word of the day news have you ever introduced people that became bff's and then you got left out? game: mind the gap part 1 game: mind the gap part 2 news where is the best place to hide things in your house? game: everybody knows emily blunt is taking her parents to the oscars...where would you take your parents (as a grown adult) news cheapsim...things from the 1960's that are worth lots of $$ eating out with 6 or more might be a little more difficult goodbye/fun facts....National Cereal of america's most popular breakfast foods. not only is cereal eaten for breakfast, but it has become a popular bedtime snack or ice cream mix ins.Ferdinand Schumacher, a German immigrant, began the cereal revolution in 1854 with a hand oats grinder in the back room of a small store in Akron, Ohio. His German Mills American Oatmeal Company was the nation’s first commercial oatmeal manufacturer.  In 1877, Schumache

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-6

    07/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    news birthdays/events places are short staffed...have you ever wanted to jump in and help an employee? word of the day news game: general trivia dining deal breakers things not to ask your digital assistant news game: what year was it? have you ever listened to someone with your eyes closed? where do you get your lawn inspo? (or do you even keep your yard nice) news game: password lifetime warranty...would you pay extra for it? goodbye/fun facts....National Frozen Food Day recognizes the preservation feat that freezing fruits, vegetables, and meats have been on modern life. The frozen food aisle is as standard in the grocery store today as ATMs and self-checkouts. It's also a convenience we don't give a second thought to unless the power goes out. The American inventor, entrepreneur, and naturalist Clarence Frank Birdseye II receives credit for developing the method for the flash freezing preserve flavor and quality of foods. In 1954, Swanson introduced the first frozen dinners. At the time, the consumers kne

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-5

    06/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    news birthdays/events life upgrades you didn't know you needed word of the day news tom brady is faster at 46 than he was at 22...what are you better at now than you were at 22? if I gave you $100 this very second...what would you buy? game: don't quote me on that news least visited national parks what would you do to bring more "luck" into your life? game: what's the next word in this song news funny oxymorons...'act naturally' game:  I  should have known that goodbye/fun facts....National Cheese Doodle Day...these cheddar cheese-coated snacks come in puffed or crunchy, fried or baked. Generally, the credit goes to a man named Morrie Yohai who made a variety of extruded snack foods in the 1940s for his family's company called Old London Foods in the Bronx. Other sources show patents for similar products in the 1930s and still other competing accounts in Wisconsin and New Orleans as well.  however they came out...americans eat them by the truckload....To give dishes a different flavor and texture by adding ch

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-4

    05/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    news birthdays/events the next big trend in travel word of the day news have you ever mixed friends and business...did it work out? if you get a refund...are you going to spend it or save it? most misprounced food names news would you rather have an 'end of year performnace review' or get real time opinions constantly from your boss? game: quiz game: feud news game: 6 year old trivia best vanilla ice creams goodbye/fun facts....Telecommuter Appreciation know...employees who work from home (or anywhere their heart desires) and usually use email and videoconferencing as ways of delivering their probably didn't hear about telecommuting until about 4 years ago....but a man named Jack Nilles first coined the term ‘telecommuting’ in 1972. At the time, Nilles was working remotely on a complicated communication system for NASA. Unable to find an existing word to describe his job, he told people that he was telecommuting. This led to the birth of the term.  one good thing about it...Research has

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-1

    01/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    news birthdays/events besides your car...what other modes of transportation do you commony use? word of the day news ai at could be your next co-worker.  (things to know about ai) if you could make a guest appearance on tv (any show in history) which one and who would you want to play? game: tv theme songs that went to #1 news buzzfeed's spring cleaning tips...some you may never have heard of before! have you/would you go back to bartering for goods/services? game: geneva read tv show spoken word intros news if you're the kind of person who likes to "buy outside the box"/uniques are things NOT to buy for wedding gifts game: totally 80's trivia goodbye/fun facts....Color Therapy Month...ancient practice of using color therapy to heal one’s energies. different color choices to impact the way we feel. Whether it be in picking out an outfit or deciding on wall paint; on some level, we subconsciously make a decision based on how the colors affect our mood, feelings, and sensibilities....we a

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-29

    01/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    news birthdays/events what's the best time for a work meeting? word of the day news game: celebrity soda endorsements favorite infomercial products would you pay a tourist admission fee? news game: actors who sang in movies if someone calls you the wrong name or mispronounces many times (if any) will you correct them? forbes annual list of u.s. cities with the worst drivers news game: mindtrap do you prefer busy/packed weekends or boring weekends? goodbye/fun facts....Digital Learning's ongoing initiative to engage students and empower educators through the effective use of digital tools. The digital revolution has provided unparalleled access to information, and empowered people to do their research, education, and learning. Learning is mobile and can happen anywhere, whether a student is at home, at a coffee shop, or in the library. Online learning began in 1960 when Donald Blitzer, a laboratory assistant at the University of Illinois, devises PLATO, the very first e-learning system....

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-28

    29/02/2024 Duración: 42min

    news birthdays/events ways to deal with telemarketers...and check out our "dealing" with one from a few years ago word of the day news game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grader why do people complain to the waiter about the price of eating out? how long will you wait for someone to arrive before you text/call them? news game: think n sync what are you looking forward to in march? weird tours you can go on news game: outburst bizarre but true beauty pageant titles from around the world goodbye/fun facts....Floral Design Day recognizes the art, history, and significance of floral designs. Did you know that floral designs are one of the important cultural art forms in the world? The history of floral designs dates back to ancient Egypt, where the paintings, etchings, and carvings in tombs reveal bouquets made of lotus blossoms and buds. on this day in 1914 a man named Carl Rittner, a master in floral arts, is born. in 1947 Rittner opens a school for floral arts called Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston...

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-27

    28/02/2024 Duración: 45min

    news birthdays/events if you're spring cleaning your closet...are surprised by the amount of clothes with tags still on them? word of the day news things we mocked 20 years ago that are mainstream now (i.e. rideshare services) should they even put instructions in every package? would you like a sweet potato chip?  news game: battle of the sexes part 1 game: battle of the sexes part 2 great easter ideas news comfort foods from around the world game: shakespeare tv guide  goodbye/fun facts....national strawberry day...There are a few different stories behind the origin of the name. The more widely accepted version is that the berries would drop off the leaves and become "strewn" about the plant. Over time "strewn-berries" became "strawberries". There was a time (and some gardeners still do this today) when strawberry beds were mulched with straw, insulating the plants over the winter, keeping weeds at bay during the growing season, and making them easier to harvest. they are sweet and also delightfully low in c

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-26

    27/02/2024 Duración: 42min

    news birthdays/events the new mlb uniforms...really? word of the day news most relaxing u.s. cities game: quiz game: feud news great songs that got ruined for you because they were in commercials things to buy in bulk game: 6 year old trivia news ashley turned on a function on her gps that she can't shut off brad's son did ok in the school spelling bee goodbye/fun facts....Thermos Bottle Day. Thermos bottles are flasks specially designed to ensure that hot liquid stays hot and cold liquid remains cold. Since the company was founded in the early 1900s, the name Thermos has become synonymous with the vacuum flask. a Scottish scientist known as James Dewar invented a vacuum flask for storing liquefied gas. It was not meant for everyday use. Although he was the first to create the vacuum flask,  German inventor Reinhold Burger was the first to register it as a trademark. in 1962 a court rules that the word ‘thermos' can be used as a generic term as long as it's used with a lower case "t"...the uppercase 'T' is th

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-23

    24/02/2024 Duración: 46min

    news birthdays/events billy joel wants to form a 'super group'... word of the day news online poll of design trends we see on hgtv shows...but we hate in real life game: sound effects from yesteryear anything on your 'anti-bucket' list? news when you lose cell/internet service...are you bored? game: celebrities impersonating matthew mcconaughey listener feedback break news ways to upgrade boxed brownie mix game: i should have known that goodbye/fun facts....Curling is Cool Day...Curling is a seemingly strange game, but a very interesting one that is loved by many. it combines the fun of ice skating with the techniques of bowling and's one of the oldest team sports and was first played in the late medieval period in Scotland, but it wasn't played at the Winter Olympics until 1998. there are several curling documentaries available to watch and leagues at ice rinks all across the u.s. that welcome all skill levels. Curling is the all-time favorite sport of George Clooney and Bruce Springsteen. 

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-22

    23/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    news birthdays/events walmart is now using amazon fresh technology...sort of word of the day news iconic movie and tv restaurants that are actually real (beside the cheers bar) some pediatricians are recommending babies sleep in parents room for at least the first year...yay or nay? game: what year was it? news you may have heard of the swedish "death cleaning"...but have you heard about a "death doula" baby names on the outs game: name songs from movie soundtracks news game: name that tv theme song most of us have houseguests at least once a year...but don't be rude when you visit friends/family goodbye/fun facts....national cook a sweet potato day...the sweet potato is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and vitamin C. it is believed that Central America domesticated sweet potatoes around 5,000 years ago. While many Americans confuse the sweet potato with a yam, the two are different. A yam is a starchy tuber while the sweet potato is truly a sweet root vegetable. High in fiber and low

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-20

    21/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    news birthdays/events best documentaries to watch with kids word of the day news do you re-use your ziplocs? (ashley's grandma used to reuse tin foil) game: the princess bride quiz what's your favorite style of home?  you won't believe which one came in first place news would you eat your favorite food if it was a different color? game: speakout it's almost music festival's a basic 'survival list' news if you like'll LOVE these products game: general trivia goodbye/fun facts....Clean Out Your Bookcase Day...Yes, your old dusty bookcase...take all the books off the shelves..have a plan to reorganize all the books, and what you plan on doing with the books that you don’t want anymore....but make sure to dust off the ones you want to keep. the bookcase has existed in one way or another since the invention of books....some were basic...some very ornate.  but in 1876 John Danner invents a revolving bookcase....then in 1960 Dieter Rams introduces his Vitsoe 606 Universal Shelving System...

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-19

    20/02/2024 Duración: 37min

    news birthdays/events game: 6 year old trivia word of the day news what do you/would you give up for lent does "let go" sound/feel better than "fired"? common grammar mistakes news game: quiz game: feud 70's food that's making a comeback news college football may start doing something they do in the pros...yes or no? are you afraid to order food out? goodbye/fun facts....If your only introduction to the game of tug of war was at summer camp or in elementary school, then maybe you need to play again. Tug of war has grown up from the days of your youth...tug of war has national and international federations that sponsor worldwide tournaments. Tug of war is one of the simplest games to play. All you need is a long rope and anywhere from a few people to dozens of people. in the 1500's tug of war tournaments were a popular form of entertainment in French chateau gardens. and in 1900 Tug of war enters the Olympic Games as an event....but was dropped in 1920.  As unlikely as it seems, ABC used to run a TV sports ser

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-16

    17/02/2024 Duración: 38min

    news birthdays/events obvious with carpet smell the worst.  what are some bad home smells? word of the day news wouldn't live be better if you never had to remember a password again (or change them all every 6 months?) game: welcome to the trailer park...the movie trailer park good or bad...a habit you picked up from your parents news sharon stone says it's expensive to be famous...but there is one thing that seems relatable game: who are these actors based on their characters lifehacker list of the most rewatchable movies news story about scents and happiness from yesterday...what are some the smells that make you happy? game: catch phrases from tv characters/everybody knows goodbye/fun facts....No One Eats Alone Day...this probably isn't going up to a stranger in a restaurant and sitting encourages students to sit together at the lunch table and eat together while telling jokes and doing all the kiddy stuff school students do.  if you're the new kid in school or the new employee at a

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-15

    16/02/2024 Duración: 37min

    news birthdays/events are you an introvert...or this new 'vert'? word of the day news do you participate in any of these risky behaviors? if you could only wear one color for the rest of your life...which color and why? game: prison commissary price is right news great life advice quotes from famous people game: scattergories would you rather have great pay or great benefits news website has added over 1,700 new words game: movie password goodbye/fun facts....Gumdrops are a tasty, colorful, chewy candy that is made with gelatin and then coated with sugar.  They come in a variety of flavors and can either be fruity or spicy.  These little candy treats make terrific embellishments for decorating gingerbread houses and other baked goods. Credit for the modern gumdrop goes to chemist and candy manufacturer Percy S. Truesdell, a chemist altered the consistency of the candy by experimenting with the amount of starch used....he became known as the Gumdrop King.  The classic gumdrop pave

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-14

    15/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    news birthdays/events when was the last time you lost a credit card?  ashley did...but she found it 2 days later word of the day news medical questions we ask google game: just over $2,000 pyramid what's the status of your self esteem?  news who do you want to take care of you when you're sick?  (it's not your significant other) game: mindtrap gen z's favorite brands...what were your favorite brands growing up? news most frustrating things people without kids say to people with kids game: mind the gap goodbye/fun facts....Nest Box Week is an annual observation that motivates people to make nest boxes for birds. it is a step towards the conservation of birds because many bird species have been on the endangered list. If you feel like building a nest box is too daunting, then you can also buy one at the store. The idea is to give a home to our feathered friends because they offer shelter from rain, snow, wind, and cold. 

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-13

    14/02/2024 Duración: 23min

    news birthdays/events luxury home products that are worth splurging on word of the day news game: 'we are the world' trivia americans only feel "meh" with their are you an early bird tax season person or wait til the last minute person? news game: getting to know you home remedies that are backed up by scientific research favorite cheesy movie lines news game: everybody knows things to do if you're single on valentine's day (if you care about a made up holiday) goodbye/fun facts....National Cheddar in cheese. Cheddar cheese hails from the actual city of Cheddar in Somerset, South England....Cheddar Gorge on the edge of the village, Cheddar in Somerset, England, is home to the origin of cheddar cheese. The gorge has several caves that provide the perfect humidity and steady temperature for maturing the cheese. cheddar accounts for more than 30% of all the cheese sold in the United States...but in the u.k. cheddar sales top 50%.  so make yourself a super cheesy grilled cheese today

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-12

    13/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    news birthdays/events most stubborn dog breeds word of the day news favorite rom-coms game: 6 year old trivia favorite superbowl commercials news game: quiz game: feud valentine's day around the world news safest and least safe spring break destinations valentine's gifts to buy yourself goodbye/fun facts....national plum pudding day...Did you know plum pudding contains no plums and it's not really pudding? That’s because raisins were often called “plums” in 17th century Great Britain.  it's also called christmas pudding because that's how an author referred to it in his 1858 novel. and it's made of steamed or boiled nutmeg, raisins, nuts, apples, cinnamon, and dates. Traditionally served during the holidays, this often overlooked dish gets a second chance to impress on February 12.  it has the texture of a carrot cake...many people in the u.k. enjoy a slice of this delicious dessert with their morning coffee or tea.  

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