Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-6



news birthdays/events places are short staffed...have you ever wanted to jump in and help an employee? word of the day news game: general trivia dining deal breakers things not to ask your digital assistant news game: what year was it? have you ever listened to someone with your eyes closed? where do you get your lawn inspo? (or do you even keep your yard nice) news game: password lifetime warranty...would you pay extra for it? goodbye/fun facts....National Frozen Food Day recognizes the preservation feat that freezing fruits, vegetables, and meats have been on modern life. The frozen food aisle is as standard in the grocery store today as ATMs and self-checkouts. It's also a convenience we don't give a second thought to unless the power goes out. The American inventor, entrepreneur, and naturalist Clarence Frank Birdseye II receives credit for developing the method for the flash freezing preserve flavor and quality of foods. In 1954, Swanson introduced the first frozen dinners. At the time, the consumers kne