Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-8



news birthdays/events game: movie taglines word of the day news most underwhelming tourist spots around the world game: just over $1000 pyramid how does a no name like ashley pitch hollywood on a good tv idea? news does your favorite sport change? (especially in an olympic year?) game: how cultured are ashley and brad they asked kids questions about marriage (8-10 year olds) news popular snacks that aldults are searching for the same high school pranks we pulled...can now can get you arrested goodbye/fun facts....National Proofreading Day, celebrated each year on March 8, is a day to promote error-free writing. We all make typos, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors when we write, especially if we are moving too fast! Silly mistakes like spelling errors or using the incorrect punctuation make it seem like we are lazy, ignorant, or simply don’t care.  National Proofreading Day is an opportunity to slow down, proofread our work, and then proof it again.