Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-14



news birthdays/events when was the last time you lost a credit card?  ashley did...but she found it 2 days later word of the day news medical questions we ask google game: just over $2,000 pyramid what's the status of your self esteem?  news who do you want to take care of you when you're sick?  (it's not your significant other) game: mindtrap gen z's favorite brands...what were your favorite brands growing up? news most frustrating things people without kids say to people with kids game: mind the gap goodbye/fun facts....Nest Box Week is an annual observation that motivates people to make nest boxes for birds. it is a step towards the conservation of birds because many bird species have been on the endangered list. If you feel like building a nest box is too daunting, then you can also buy one at the store. The idea is to give a home to our feathered friends because they offer shelter from rain, snow, wind, and cold.