Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-4



news birthdays/events the next big trend in travel word of the day news have you ever mixed friends and business...did it work out? if you get a refund...are you going to spend it or save it? most misprounced food names news would you rather have an 'end of year performnace review' or get real time opinions constantly from your boss? game: quiz game: feud news game: 6 year old trivia best vanilla ice creams goodbye/fun facts....Telecommuter Appreciation know...employees who work from home (or anywhere their heart desires) and usually use email and videoconferencing as ways of delivering their probably didn't hear about telecommuting until about 4 years ago....but a man named Jack Nilles first coined the term ‘telecommuting’ in 1972. At the time, Nilles was working remotely on a complicated communication system for NASA. Unable to find an existing word to describe his job, he told people that he was telecommuting. This led to the birth of the term.  one good thing about it...Research has