Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-22



news birthdays/events walmart is now using amazon fresh technology...sort of word of the day news iconic movie and tv restaurants that are actually real (beside the cheers bar) some pediatricians are recommending babies sleep in parents room for at least the first year...yay or nay? game: what year was it? news you may have heard of the swedish "death cleaning"...but have you heard about a "death doula" baby names on the outs game: name songs from movie soundtracks news game: name that tv theme song most of us have houseguests at least once a year...but don't be rude when you visit friends/family goodbye/fun facts....national cook a sweet potato day...the sweet potato is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and vitamin C. it is believed that Central America domesticated sweet potatoes around 5,000 years ago. While many Americans confuse the sweet potato with a yam, the two are different. A yam is a starchy tuber while the sweet potato is truly a sweet root vegetable. High in fiber and low