Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-20



news birthdays/events best documentaries to watch with kids word of the day news do you re-use your ziplocs? (ashley's grandma used to reuse tin foil) game: the princess bride quiz what's your favorite style of home?  you won't believe which one came in first place news would you eat your favorite food if it was a different color? game: speakout it's almost music festival's a basic 'survival list' news if you like'll LOVE these products game: general trivia goodbye/fun facts....Clean Out Your Bookcase Day...Yes, your old dusty bookcase...take all the books off the shelves..have a plan to reorganize all the books, and what you plan on doing with the books that you don’t want anymore....but make sure to dust off the ones you want to keep. the bookcase has existed in one way or another since the invention of books....some were basic...some very ornate.  but in 1876 John Danner invents a revolving bookcase....then in 1960 Dieter Rams introduces his Vitsoe 606 Universal Shelving System...