Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-27



news birthdays/events if you're spring cleaning your closet...are surprised by the amount of clothes with tags still on them? word of the day news things we mocked 20 years ago that are mainstream now (i.e. rideshare services) should they even put instructions in every package? would you like a sweet potato chip?  news game: battle of the sexes part 1 game: battle of the sexes part 2 great easter ideas news comfort foods from around the world game: shakespeare tv guide  goodbye/fun facts....national strawberry day...There are a few different stories behind the origin of the name. The more widely accepted version is that the berries would drop off the leaves and become "strewn" about the plant. Over time "strewn-berries" became "strawberries". There was a time (and some gardeners still do this today) when strawberry beds were mulched with straw, insulating the plants over the winter, keeping weeds at bay during the growing season, and making them easier to harvest. they are sweet and also delightfully low in c