Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-13



news birthdays/events luxury home products that are worth splurging on word of the day news game: 'we are the world' trivia americans only feel "meh" with their are you an early bird tax season person or wait til the last minute person? news game: getting to know you home remedies that are backed up by scientific research favorite cheesy movie lines news game: everybody knows things to do if you're single on valentine's day (if you care about a made up holiday) goodbye/fun facts....National Cheddar in cheese. Cheddar cheese hails from the actual city of Cheddar in Somerset, South England....Cheddar Gorge on the edge of the village, Cheddar in Somerset, England, is home to the origin of cheddar cheese. The gorge has several caves that provide the perfect humidity and steady temperature for maturing the cheese. cheddar accounts for more than 30% of all the cheese sold in the United States...but in the u.k. cheddar sales top 50%.  so make yourself a super cheesy grilled cheese today