Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-23



news birthdays/events billy joel wants to form a 'super group'... word of the day news online poll of design trends we see on hgtv shows...but we hate in real life game: sound effects from yesteryear anything on your 'anti-bucket' list? news when you lose cell/internet service...are you bored? game: celebrities impersonating matthew mcconaughey listener feedback break news ways to upgrade boxed brownie mix game: i should have known that goodbye/fun facts....Curling is Cool Day...Curling is a seemingly strange game, but a very interesting one that is loved by many. it combines the fun of ice skating with the techniques of bowling and's one of the oldest team sports and was first played in the late medieval period in Scotland, but it wasn't played at the Winter Olympics until 1998. there are several curling documentaries available to watch and leagues at ice rinks all across the u.s. that welcome all skill levels. Curling is the all-time favorite sport of George Clooney and Bruce Springsteen.