Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-11



news birthdays/events would AI bosses be better?   word of the day news old fashioned tech terms we still use today game: quiz game: feud news a teacher in bc got in lots of trouble for letting kids in gym class hit each other with pool noodles terms/phrases that were invented from tv shows/movies game: 6 year old trivia news some restaurants in america want to put restrictions on diners...but what about what they're doing in the u.k.? some of the best/most iconic riffs and song lyrics were improvised on the spot goodbye/fun facts....National Clean Out Your Closet Week (although if you're cleaning out your closet AND your kids''ll probably need more than a week!) Cleaning out your closet once per year will keep the accumulation of clothes, shoes, and accessories from getting out of hand. There are many methods from organizational emptying out the entire closet (like you're moving) and only putting back the things you want to keep...or turning the hangers backwards on the closet ro