Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-16



news birthdays/events obvious with carpet smell the worst.  what are some bad home smells? word of the day news wouldn't live be better if you never had to remember a password again (or change them all every 6 months?) game: welcome to the trailer park...the movie trailer park good or bad...a habit you picked up from your parents news sharon stone says it's expensive to be famous...but there is one thing that seems relatable game: who are these actors based on their characters lifehacker list of the most rewatchable movies news story about scents and happiness from yesterday...what are some the smells that make you happy? game: catch phrases from tv characters/everybody knows goodbye/fun facts....No One Eats Alone Day...this probably isn't going up to a stranger in a restaurant and sitting encourages students to sit together at the lunch table and eat together while telling jokes and doing all the kiddy stuff school students do.  if you're the new kid in school or the new employee at a