Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-19



news birthdays/events game: 6 year old trivia word of the day news what do you/would you give up for lent does "let go" sound/feel better than "fired"? common grammar mistakes news game: quiz game: feud 70's food that's making a comeback news college football may start doing something they do in the pros...yes or no? are you afraid to order food out? goodbye/fun facts....If your only introduction to the game of tug of war was at summer camp or in elementary school, then maybe you need to play again. Tug of war has grown up from the days of your youth...tug of war has national and international federations that sponsor worldwide tournaments. Tug of war is one of the simplest games to play. All you need is a long rope and anywhere from a few people to dozens of people. in the 1500's tug of war tournaments were a popular form of entertainment in French chateau gardens. and in 1900 Tug of war enters the Olympic Games as an event....but was dropped in 1920.  As unlikely as it seems, ABC used to run a TV sports ser