Making The Maven



Making the Maven Podcast is dedicated to helping health and wellness entrepreneurs become business mavens. Michelle reaches globally to bring you entrepreneurial stories of challenge and triumph from industry leaders, business experts and wellness biz owners. Tune in weekly to learn personal habits for success, proven business building strategies and action steps to launch and grow your online wellness business. End the overwhelm, let go of the fear and join the revolution because we are Making YOU the Maven.


  • Mindset, Spirituality, and Trusting in Yourself | Jessica Nazarali | MTM048

    30/05/2016 Duración: 37min

    Good day Mavens! I have an exciting guest for you today, her name is Jessica Nazarali and she is a business strategist and coach. Jessica has had her own business for the last three years and talks about why it's so important for many wellness entrepreneurs to have confidence in themselves and in their abilities. This conversation even turns a little spiritual. Tune in to hear what Jessica has to say!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Jessica is a business strategist and certified master coach. *Jessica has been coaching for the last three years and has two full time employees. *In order to get Jessica's business off the ground, she worked on both her coaching business and her day job at the same time for seven months. It was tiring! *Starting a business is challenging, so if you're not committed, your dream will never happen. *Jessica believes mindset and believing in yourself is a big part of entrepreneurship. *When you doubt yourself, it really affects not only your mental health, but your business as wel

  • Just Starting Out? Then This Mini Is for You | Maven Mini

    30/05/2016 Duración: 05min

    Today's Maven Mini is for everyone out there who is just getting started. I know a lot of you struggle with being overwhelmed and so did I when I first started this entrepreneurial journey. In the beginning, you just have so much to do! Your head is literally full of puzzle pieces and it's just swimming everywhere. I completely get it, but honestly that just creates more fear for you. The first thing I recommend you do is write everything down that's swimming in your head. Every thought, idea, possibility, path, method, everything, write it out! This will give you a big sense of relief when you finish, believe me. Second thing I recommend you do is to go to the foundation. The foundations of getting started are all about what makes you unique/special/different. What do you have to offer that other people don't or how do you combine your talents to really stand out? Once you've mapped yourself out, understand who your ideal clients are. Those clients that would be attracted to your image and persona. What is y

  • The Challenges of Shiny Object Syndrome | Dr. Shirley Piccarreto | MTM047

    23/05/2016 Duración: 39min

    Dr. Piccarreto has been in the health and wellness industry for a long time, well over 30 years actually, and has a ton of fantastic advice to share for the Maven audience today. When Shirley first started practicing alternative medicine, she was called a witch doctor. People did not know what she did exactly, but they knew she could help them get better. This is how her business grew to what it is today without the help of advertising or the internet. To be absolutely honest, not only is Shirley genuine in her message, but she just brings the sun wherever she goes. I love the message she instills on how she keeps her mind clear from distractions and how she is able to keep working on her goals without straying from the path. You have to listen in to see how she does it!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *I would love to hear from you! Please leave me a review on iTunes. *Shirley has been involved in the health and wellness industry since she was 23 years old. *What was it like being in the alternative medici

  • Do Your Inner Work Now, Reap the Benefits Later | Maven Mini

    23/05/2016 Duración: 06min

    I just got back from a very fun lunch meeting with one of my colleagues and fellow entrepreneur. She inspired me to talk about doing your inner work a bit more for today's Maven Mini, because she's the perfect example as to why you should always work on yourself. My friend was absolutely glowing today because she went through quite a journey of doing work on the inside. She had to go through some really difficult life hurdles, but because of the inner work she did, she was able to overcome those hurdles. Now that she's happy, she told me that things are just clicking for her in ways that weren't before. It's all natural and nothing is forced. The right people she needs for her business just seem to be showing up without much trouble. Problems get easily fixed because the solution shows up without much effort. And it's not like she isn't working, because she's busting her butt and still hustling! It's just that she's no longer burning herself out and spinning her wheels. She's healthier and happier, which mean

  • Who Are the Five People in Your Corner? | Katie Wyatt | MTM046

    16/05/2016 Duración: 41min

    I think I've found my clone! Katie and I agree on so much here. Katie Wyatt started out through the traditional corporate route, but everything for her changed when she got cancer. Through her journey she discovered the wellness industry and wanted to make a difference in people's lives. She has had her online business for the last year and a half and shares some of her newbie mistakes when she was just getting started, on today’s episode.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Please review the show! It really helps spread the word. *Katie had cancer and that's what took her along this health and wellness journey. *Katie is a solo-entrepreneur and hires freelancers for specific projects for her website. She also has a business BFF. *Remember, you are the sum of the five people you hang out with. *When Katie started, she didn't know anybody. *Katie really had to find her tribe and found an excellent support group, but it took her some time. *Your success is my success. *It's good to get unsubscribed in your email

  • How to Position Yourself as the Expert | Maven Mini

    16/05/2016 Duración: 06min

    Why is positioning yourself as the expert so important for your success and why will it accelerate your business? The answer lies simply in marketing 101. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. It's so simple, but so many people lack this in their business. I know people are afraid to put themselves out there, but as a wellness practitioner, you've signed up for this! How do you begin to do this? You have to provide value. It shows off your credibility and gets you visibility. So it's a double bonus! When you show off your knowledge, your passion, and what makes you unique, people, you guessed it, will trust you more! People will take notice when they've read something incredibly valuable and helpful to them. So, I challenge you to provide top notch value to your audience this week! Let me know how it goes!

  • Everyone Has to Face the Challenge of Changing | Danielle Eaton | MTM045

    09/05/2016 Duración: 39min

    Dr. Danielle Eaton is currently a mentor and coach for moms and she is a former chiropractic doctor. Danielle says that she only had one vision of what success looked like for her and it took a toll on her mind and body. She saw the warning signs beforehand, but she admits on the show that she was afraid to change and face the additional challenges that would lead to a better quality life.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *The Maven inner circle has launched on May 2nd! *Danielle became a mom right before she went to chiropractic school. *Danielle believed if she wasn't working hard, then she wasn't going to be successful. *Unfortunately, Danielle had a miscarriage and when she became pregnant again, she wasn't going to put her work before her body. *When Danielle sold her practice, she still had three other jobs at the time. *It was all largely fear-based for Danielle. She felt like she had to do this. *So many people believed there's only one level of success. *Danielle didn't want to face the challenge of

  • How to Pitch to Publications | Maven Mini

    09/05/2016 Duración: 06min

    Shout out to Brain for inspiring this week's Maven Mini! Today I want to talk to you about pitching or submitting proposals. Before you send out letters, you want to know what your goal is first. There's a couple of different ways you can look at it. Are you going after building credibility for your brand or are you seeking for better opportunities that place you in front of your ideal audience? Getting clear on which one you're after will help you with your journey. After you've gotten clear, do your research. Who meets your criteria? When you've found 2-5 publications, research their content and see what kind of things they're publishing. Really get to know them well, so that when you reach out you are speaking their language. What content do you want to provide? You can write something that's related to your expertise, to your personal story, etc. What do you want to be known for? Align yourself to how you want to be presented in the market place. The next thing you will want to do is write up a personaliz

  • Focus on Healing One Person at a Time | Becky Mauldin | MTM044

    02/05/2016 Duración: 39min

    I'm thrilled to introduce you to Becky Mauldin. One thing that comes to mind for me is integrity. Becky has integrity. She is passionate about the work she is doing and she offers some great tips on how to grow your local business naturally. Her business mentality is just as amazing because she's so open to helping others and holds nothing back. As Becky says, "Competition just gets in the way of your mission".   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *The Maven inner circle has launched! *Becky is currently a local business owner and is in the process of developing an online business model. *Becky started extremely small and focused really hard on getting her first 100 clients well. *That work paid off because all those people recommended Becky's services and her business ended up growing natural. *Becky knew she needed help with her business, but she didn't know who could help her. *It's so hard to bring people into a vision that hasn't been fully developed yet. *Although Becky didn't know what her vision was, she

  • Social Media – Best Tips and Practices | Maven Mini

    02/05/2016 Duración: 07min

    I wanted to celebrate today because I reached 10,000 followers on Twitter. To be fair, it took me roughly 5 years to get such a huge following and I know you guys are constantly wondering about how to succeed in this sometimes confusing and overwhelming social media world! I have a couple of tips for you today on how to properly leverage social media and get those results. One of the main problems I see is that very few people are consistently publishing content on their social media profiles. With annyyy marketing you're doing, you have to be consistent. Do not approach this as a 'one and done' type of project. Another main problem I see in someone's social media platform is that it isn't focused. There's so much random and unrelated content that gets published on there. You want to really have a vision of who would be interested in what you're producing and cater to that. Focus on that ideal client, day in and day out. Be crystal clear on: Who you are, what solutions you offer, and why you love it. Create p

  • Leveraging Your Strengths | Amy Love | MTM043

    25/04/2016 Duración: 48min

    Wow! What can I say? Amy is a serial entrepreneur who has been in business for herself for about nine years; seven of those have been online. She is also a big believer of running a business that matches your lifestyle and because of that Amy is now traveling full time for the next two years. There are so many key insights from Amy that you can only get from someone who is as experienced as she is, so tune in and enjoy!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Thank you so much for listening! You guys are why I'm doing this. *This is a community. We need each other and you're not alone! *Go to my website to get special VIP pricing! *Amy Love runs Real Food Whole Health. *Amy started her online business 7 years ago. *Online is an excellent way to reach a lot of people. *Your business should support the lifestyle you want to live. *Too many people build their businesses on 'shoulds'. *Remember everyone, nothing is an overnight success. *It takes a mindset shift to interact with clients online. *An online business is

  • 8 Ways to Smash That Inner Critic | Maven Mini

    25/04/2016 Duración: 06min

    Mindset is a topic that comes up quite a bit in the Making the Maven Facebook Group, so this Maven Mini was inspired by everyone in that community! Get ready you guys! I have gathered 8 tips from the members of the community on how you can smash that inner critic. Let's get started!   1. Amy loves essential oils and I couldn't agree more. I use them in my office and rub them all over! They are a great mood lifter and can really help you focus. 2. Lisa talks about the importance of setting intentions and goals for yourself, on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This is a great way to help you keep on track and a great way to stay focused on the long-term. 3. Use Mantras. Thank you Carmen! This is a great idea. Carmen's mantra for everyday business is that every day is a success. Every day is a success. What a great mantra. 4. Detach yourself from the outcome. Fabulous mindset advice from Sharline! You don't always have control over the outcome, so let it go. Remember, you can only control the actions you take

  • Bootstrapping Your Business – Going From $0 to $10k a Month | Krisha Young | MTM042

    18/04/2016 Duración: 49min

    Krisha Young is a food and lifestyle ninja who has been in business for herself over the past three years. When Krisha first started her online business, she was working a full-time job and raising two small children. Wow! To say that this lady has drive is an understatement. There are so many points here that I want to mention, but one of the things we touched on was shifting from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. This can be hard when you're bootstrapping your business and trying your best to stay afloat, but once you're able to take care of your core necessities, you can actually expand your growth and reach even more people.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *When you're selling, look at trying to help people first. *Thank you for your feedback! *Krisha is a food and lifestyle ninja and a registered holistic nutritionist. *Krisha has been in business for herself over the past three years. *Just keep believing and just keep doing and it will work out! *Ask yourself: What does a woman who makes x a

  • Why Community Is Critical for Growing Your Business Online | Maven Mini

    18/04/2016 Duración: 08min

    One of the common mistakes I see people making is that they're trying to create their business alone. As entrepreneurs, we're wearing many different hats and this can be extremely overwhelming. People try to set up roadblocks for themselves as well. I hear statements like, 'if only I had an MBA' or 'I need a PhD for that'. It doesn't take a fancy business class for you to get started!  Participating in a community will not only bring you down from needing that fancy degree, but it will also give you the courage and the confidence you need to get out there! Remember, we all need support. Building a business is filled with ups and downs and our family/friends might not be able to offer the best support. Instead of putting all that pressure on one person, like your spouse, you can now look for support in a community of people who have already been there! How great does that sound? A community is also an excellent networking opportunity and a way to build stronger connections with others. So there are many facets

  • The Journey to Finding Enoughness and Healing Yourself | Megan Hale | MTM041

    11/04/2016 Duración: 43min

    I know I always say this, but I love, love, love today's guest! Megan Hale! Megan is a retired psychotherapist turned ‘enoughness coach’ for women. She is a fierce feminine leadership mentor and uses the fierce feminine leadership model as her framework for creating sustainable success. Megan is also a podcast host! Her podcast, The Enoughness Revolution, is in my top favorites and is a must-listen for all you ladies out there who don't feel like you're enough. If you're struggling with self-confidence and just putting yourself out there, then you absolutely must listen to what Megan has to say today.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *I'm so excited to share today's guest interview! *I'm launching the Maven inner circle! A community just for you! It's happening May 2nd. *Megan noticed that more and more women who were coming to her just simply weren't honoring their truth. *How long did it take Megan to become an enoughness coach? Her whole life. *Megan was chasing enoughness for a very long time without

  • Three Common Myths to Creating an Online Business | Maven Mini

    11/04/2016 Duración: 10min

    Since I get the lovely opportunity to talk to you all week after week, I often hear common myths that just seem to keep reappearing. If you're new to creating an online business, then you'll definitely want to listen in. Let me help you debunk the myths and break you out of the mold! Myth Number One: Not Being Enough As I was talking to one of my clients today, one of her concerns was that she didn't have enough experience. This concern comes up with my clients more often than you may think with my clients, but don't underplay your talents! Remind yourself that you have more than enough to offer. It doesn't matter your what age, your credentials, or even how many years of experience you have you've been doing this for. You are enough today and people need you! Myth Number Two: People Can't Afford My Services You want to serve people and you don't want money to be an issue., I get that, but let me just tell you right now that this is a lie. This is absolutely not true. People can afford your services! People w

  • Asking for Referrals and Building a Strong Client Base | Carmen Hunter | MTM040

    04/04/2016 Duración: 39min

    Carmen Hunter is my guest for this week's episode and she and I have a lot in common. Carmen first started out as a personal trainer and then slowly transitioned to being a health coach. She now helps others who are fresh out of school to become better practitioners. Carmen is really on a mission to help guide the new and inexperienced through their wellness journey. She admits during the podcast that she didn't have a support system and that the first couple of years were incredibly hard for her. I could completely relate! I also think this is why she is so driven to help others, fresh out of school, find their place in this world. There's so much more key insights to take away from Carmen's interview, so tune in!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Don't forget to ask your current clients for referrals *Carmen has been a health couch since 2010. *Carmen is not an overnight success. It took years of mistakes to find her way. *Carmen believes it's important to teach someone who is unable to pay, for free, a

  • How to Make a Fabulous Video | Maven Mini

    04/04/2016 Duración: 05min

    Jenny reached out on the Making the Maven Facebook group and asked about video. I think this is a great topic for this week's Maven Mini, because video is being used all over the internet right now; whether you're on periscope, recording videos for your opt-ins, and more. What are some of the basics to making a great video? I have a couple of tips for you guys today! Things you should know about video – it's never going to be perfect. But that's okay, just take action and you will improve over time.   Key things about video: Sound – If you're going to make an investment, invest in a microphone. Sound quality is extremely important. If your listeners can't hear you, what's the point! Lighting – You really want to make a visual connection with your audience. You don't need to invest in lights just yet though! You can fix this problem by sitting near a window to get that natural light. Background – Look at the area behind you. It should be visually appearing and pleasant. Clean up a little bit of the clutter and

  • Building a Successful Facebook Group | Jordana Jaffe | MTM039

    28/03/2016 Duración: 35min

    I'm so excited to have Jordana Jaffe on today's show. She is mainly well known as the guru of Facebook groups and is a really, really excellent Facebook strategist. In this interview, I pick Jordana's brain about how to keep an engaged community on Facebook, but let me tell you, Jordana offers a lot more insight and expertise than just that on today's show. We also talk about the real entrepreneurial journey she has faced and we really pull back the curtains on this one. Many might not know she has been an entrepreneur for nine years and that there have certainty been some struggles along the way.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Jordana first became an entrepreneur when she was 24 years old. *She started as a professional organizer, business coach, and then in 2015, she began to focus on Facebook groups. *Before you create a Facebook group, make sure you actually want one. Do not create something you won't use in the future. * Ask yourself why you want to create a Facebook group. What's the driving for

  • How to Attract and Grow Your Clients Online | Maven Mini

    28/03/2016 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to this week's Maven Mini! I read your questions every day and it seems like this topic keeps coming up: How do you take your local business and attract an online audience or how do you grow your business on a global scale? Well, I've listened and today's mini will focus on how you can become more established online. As always, I share three actionable tips you can use and apply right now, to move forward in this direction. First: Be your authentic self. It's very easy in your local market to be authentic, because you're looking people in the eye and having real conversations with them. In the online world however, we sometimes get caught up and try to modify ourselves to someone else's 'proven' online success and that, to me, is a huge no-no. Let me just tell you this, ‘authentic sells’ and if you can remain true to yourself, you're going to be miles and miles ahead in your business. Second: Be open to sharing yourself about who you are and why you love what you do. This is really important in the on

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