Making The Maven

Social Media – Best Tips and Practices | Maven Mini



I wanted to celebrate today because I reached 10,000 followers on Twitter. To be fair, it took me roughly 5 years to get such a huge following and I know you guys are constantly wondering about how to succeed in this sometimes confusing and overwhelming social media world! I have a couple of tips for you today on how to properly leverage social media and get those results. One of the main problems I see is that very few people are consistently publishing content on their social media profiles. With annyyy marketing you're doing, you have to be consistent. Do not approach this as a 'one and done' type of project. Another main problem I see in someone's social media platform is that it isn't focused. There's so much random and unrelated content that gets published on there. You want to really have a vision of who would be interested in what you're producing and cater to that. Focus on that ideal client, day in and day out. Be crystal clear on: Who you are, what solutions you offer, and why you love it. Create p