Making The Maven

The Challenges of Shiny Object Syndrome | Dr. Shirley Piccarreto | MTM047



Dr. Piccarreto has been in the health and wellness industry for a long time, well over 30 years actually, and has a ton of fantastic advice to share for the Maven audience today. When Shirley first started practicing alternative medicine, she was called a witch doctor. People did not know what she did exactly, but they knew she could help them get better. This is how her business grew to what it is today without the help of advertising or the internet. To be absolutely honest, not only is Shirley genuine in her message, but she just brings the sun wherever she goes. I love the message she instills on how she keeps her mind clear from distractions and how she is able to keep working on her goals without straying from the path. You have to listen in to see how she does it!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *I would love to hear from you! Please leave me a review on iTunes. *Shirley has been involved in the health and wellness industry since she was 23 years old. *What was it like being in the alternative medici