Making The Maven

Three Common Myths to Creating an Online Business | Maven Mini



Since I get the lovely opportunity to talk to you all week after week, I often hear common myths that just seem to keep reappearing. If you're new to creating an online business, then you'll definitely want to listen in. Let me help you debunk the myths and break you out of the mold! Myth Number One: Not Being Enough As I was talking to one of my clients today, one of her concerns was that she didn't have enough experience. This concern comes up with my clients more often than you may think with my clients, but don't underplay your talents! Remind yourself that you have more than enough to offer. It doesn't matter your what age, your credentials, or even how many years of experience you have you've been doing this for. You are enough today and people need you! Myth Number Two: People Can't Afford My Services You want to serve people and you don't want money to be an issue., I get that, but let me just tell you right now that this is a lie. This is absolutely not true. People can afford your services! People w