Making The Maven

8 Ways to Smash That Inner Critic | Maven Mini



Mindset is a topic that comes up quite a bit in the Making the Maven Facebook Group, so this Maven Mini was inspired by everyone in that community! Get ready you guys! I have gathered 8 tips from the members of the community on how you can smash that inner critic. Let's get started!   1. Amy loves essential oils and I couldn't agree more. I use them in my office and rub them all over! They are a great mood lifter and can really help you focus. 2. Lisa talks about the importance of setting intentions and goals for yourself, on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This is a great way to help you keep on track and a great way to stay focused on the long-term. 3. Use Mantras. Thank you Carmen! This is a great idea. Carmen's mantra for everyday business is that every day is a success. Every day is a success. What a great mantra. 4. Detach yourself from the outcome. Fabulous mindset advice from Sharline! You don't always have control over the outcome, so let it go. Remember, you can only control the actions you take