Making The Maven

Building a Successful Facebook Group | Jordana Jaffe | MTM039



I'm so excited to have Jordana Jaffe on today's show. She is mainly well known as the guru of Facebook groups and is a really, really excellent Facebook strategist. In this interview, I pick Jordana's brain about how to keep an engaged community on Facebook, but let me tell you, Jordana offers a lot more insight and expertise than just that on today's show. We also talk about the real entrepreneurial journey she has faced and we really pull back the curtains on this one. Many might not know she has been an entrepreneur for nine years and that there have certainty been some struggles along the way.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Jordana first became an entrepreneur when she was 24 years old. *She started as a professional organizer, business coach, and then in 2015, she began to focus on Facebook groups. *Before you create a Facebook group, make sure you actually want one. Do not create something you won't use in the future. * Ask yourself why you want to create a Facebook group. What's the driving for