Making The Maven

How to Pitch to Publications | Maven Mini



Shout out to Brain for inspiring this week's Maven Mini! Today I want to talk to you about pitching or submitting proposals. Before you send out letters, you want to know what your goal is first. There's a couple of different ways you can look at it. Are you going after building credibility for your brand or are you seeking for better opportunities that place you in front of your ideal audience? Getting clear on which one you're after will help you with your journey. After you've gotten clear, do your research. Who meets your criteria? When you've found 2-5 publications, research their content and see what kind of things they're publishing. Really get to know them well, so that when you reach out you are speaking their language. What content do you want to provide? You can write something that's related to your expertise, to your personal story, etc. What do you want to be known for? Align yourself to how you want to be presented in the market place. The next thing you will want to do is write up a personaliz