Making The Maven

Who Are the Five People in Your Corner? | Katie Wyatt | MTM046



I think I've found my clone! Katie and I agree on so much here. Katie Wyatt started out through the traditional corporate route, but everything for her changed when she got cancer. Through her journey she discovered the wellness industry and wanted to make a difference in people's lives. She has had her online business for the last year and a half and shares some of her newbie mistakes when she was just getting started, on today’s episode.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Please review the show! It really helps spread the word. *Katie had cancer and that's what took her along this health and wellness journey. *Katie is a solo-entrepreneur and hires freelancers for specific projects for her website. She also has a business BFF. *Remember, you are the sum of the five people you hang out with. *When Katie started, she didn't know anybody. *Katie really had to find her tribe and found an excellent support group, but it took her some time. *Your success is my success. *It's good to get unsubscribed in your email