Stay Grounded With Raj Jana



Raj Jana is the Founder and Chief Brewing Officer at JavaPresse Coffee Company, a lifestyle brand on a mission to help people experience happier lives through the coffee they love. In the Stay Grounded Podcast, he interviews people from all walks of life to discuss happiness, success, fulfillment, and ways to infuse it all into daily life. Find out more at


  • 98. Bob Gilpatrick: Everyday Strategies To Stay Forever Young

    07/10/2019 Duración: 52min

    “I always had this thing where I wanted to be helpful for every single person. I don’t want to have to look at someone and say there isn’t anything I can do.” Bob Gilpatrick and his business partner Larry began working on projects together when Larry was 65. At the time, Larry was in very poor health. He was suffering from a range of illnesses and disorders common with older folk. He was on 11 medications, he’d had two surgeries and was scheduled for two more, and he was riddled with pain and discomfort. It’s what happens when you’re ‘old’ - or is it? Using his 20 years’ experience in holistic nutrition, Bob developed a comprehensive nutrition plan for Larry. After just TWO months, Larry had lost pounds of excess weight, he was full of energy, and he even looked significantly younger. What’s more, Larry was able to quit all his meds, avoid two surgeries, and cut 36 years off his age [according to his life insurance provider]!The results were so astounding, that Bob and Larry founded Boomers For

  • 97. David Wood: Mastering The Art of Having Tough Conversations

    30/09/2019 Duración: 49min

    “These conversations that we’re scared of shift reality. They create a new reality.”As a kid, David Wood didn’t have the courage to speak up to the bullies or to ask out the girls he liked. He didn’t have the skills necessary to have those tough conversations - so he didn’t, and he lost out as a result. But all that changed back in 1996 when David attended Landmark Forum. At this event, David grabbed the opportunity to ‘clear up his past’. He made a list of people he needed to speak with [including his childhood bully] and called them. This experience showed David that tough conversations can be transformative. In the process of sharing his truth, David improved relationships, rewrote memories, and transformed his view of the world. So if you have always feared having uncomfortable but necessary conversations with others, you’re in safe hands! David is a highly sought after coach, who works with high-performing entrepreneurs, executives, teams, and prison inmates to help them create amazing res

  • 96. Darren Jacklin: How To Be Super Successful When Other People Write You Off

    23/09/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    “Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract into your life because of the person you become.” As a kid, Darren Jacklin was told he’d never amount to much. As a child, he found friendships tough, he struggled with reading and writing, was diagnosed with ADHD, and was eventually enrolled into a special education class. But looking back, these early experiences created a resilience and determination that empowered him to succeed. He was going to prove everyone wrong. Today, Darren is a world-class speaker, a corporate trainer, and a philanthroInvestor, but it was a tough journey to get here. After high-school, he tried to kill himself on multiple occasions. He had to learn to walk again after a car accident, and he even became homeless in his early 20s - eating meals out of dumpsters. But after meeting the right mentor, Darren’s life changed for good. Over the last 23 years, Darren has had a global impact. He’s travelled across four continents and trained over 1 million

  • 95. Arjuna Ardagh: The Art Of Contribution & How It Drives Human Evolution Forward

    16/09/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    “Making a contribution is not just something you do when you’ve got everything else in place. It’s something you can do to cause everything else to fall into place.” Arjuna Ardagh is a man committed to radical brilliance. In a career that’s spanned decades, he’s written nine books [including a #1 bestseller], he’s spoken to audiences all over the world, and he’s trained thousands of people to become Awakening Coaches. He’s also appeared on TV and radio, and his message is so important, he’s been invited to speak at Google and the United Nations.His mission is simple yet powerful. He’s a wizard at helping ‘brilliant’ people discover how they can make their greatest contribution to humanity - so they can move the game forward in an evolutionary way. I’m a super fan of this episode’s guest! Arjuna is a deep-thinking, heart-centered genius. His perspectives, understanding, and approach to impact are so profound, one conversation with him opens doors you cannot shut. Which is exactly what this episode wi

  • 94. AJ Yager & Meaghan Connell: Data Driven Approaches That Improve Your Love, Your Business, And Your Life

    09/09/2019 Duración: 54min

    “Data is just information, and the more information that you have, the more knowledge and wisdom you can gain.” What if you didn’t have to make decisions on a whim. Instead, what if you could leverage facts to guide your choices and help you dance more gracefully through life?Welcome to the world of AJ and Meaghan - The Co-Founders of Praxis Metrics. This power couple has made data more than a business - it’s also a way of life that infuses through everything they do. From their relationship to their health, business, and everyday life, data is the heartbeat of their choices, their actions, and their decisions. Not in a contrived way, instead, AJ and Meaghan use data points as sources of truth to minimize guesswork and help them get crystal clear on everything from the foods they should eliminate to the practices that strengthen their relationship. AJ and Meaghan show that data needn’t be scary and it’s not for logical thinkers alone. Instead, data can become a source of power that elevates you

  • 93. Jen Gottlieb: How To Unlock The Power of Your Authentic Self

    02/09/2019 Duración: 54min

    “The more that I started to show up as my authentic self, the more my life started to completely transform and everything that I wanted started to happen.” Imagine if your authentic self didn’t have to hide anymore. Imagine if you had the courage, confidence, and the self-belief to show the world who you are and what you’ve got - no ifs, no buts. Imagine no more settling, hiding, or playing down your truth. No need to try and fit in or hold your tongue. Instead, you show up unapologetically and fearlessly as the soul you really are. Imagine the opportunities you’d create, the life you’d live, the people you’d meet, and the successes you’d achieve. This reality needn’t be wishful thinking. In this week’s episode, you’ll discover how you can create this life for yourself with the help of Jen Gottlieb. This philosophy on life is game-changer in so many ways so do check it out now. “You don’t need to believe in anything 100%. You just need to believe it a little more than you don’t.” Jen

  • 92. Zion Kim: Why a Better You Creates a Better World

    26/08/2019 Duración: 49min

    “One thing that most people don’t realise is a better you is a better world. So whatever makes you better off will make the world better off.” At 28, Zion Kim has achieved huge success in business. He’s the founder of IMT as well as a serial entrepreneur who’s been the whisperer behind many high profile entrepreneurs and business leaders. As a result of working alongside so many impressive people, he’s got clear on what it takes to be successful. And the answer may surprise you... Zion believes most business issues are either psychological or mindset related. The reason we don’t hire that person or launch that product isn’t because we don’t know how to do it. Instead, it’s because we’re stopped by a deeper story. emotional states, or limiting beliefs. Until you work through these subconscious blocks, you’ll always operated at a level lower than what you’re capable.  This is why Zion is passionate about business mindset and psychological leadership. He’s obsessed with empowering people

  • 91. Raj Jana: Find Your Lens

    21/08/2019 Duración: 12min

    Have you noticed how two people can look at the exact same situation and see different things entirely? For example, where one person sees an opportunity, another sees failure.WHY is that [and what does it mean for your success]?If the situation is the same, the only difference is the person - specifically their ‘LENS’.In this solo episode, I explore what your lens is and why it’s so critical to your success. Tune in and discover: The common theme that separates people who experience joy with ease and those who don’tHow your lens develops and influences your view of the world Why your lens can propel you forward or push you back - and the reason YOU decide which it isWhy your current lens won’t get you where you want to be - and what you need to do instead In this episode, you’ll discover how replacing your lens can change everything. You’ll unlock the key to becoming unstoppable and the secret to living the extraordinary life you desire and deserve. So if you’re done wasting time and

  • 90. Chris Winfield: Help People, Experience Success

    19/08/2019 Duración: 51min

    “When you feel like you’re stuck in your own head and you can’t get out of your own way, the best way to change that is to help someone else.” It was January 3rd 2011 when Chris Winfield finally checked into rehab after drinking since the age of 13. His addiction led to an isolated life, which had created a ‘god-sized’ hole that left him wanting more. On the outside, everything looked good. The company he co-founded employed over 100 people and grew to a bunch of offices, but he wasn’t happy. Then a piece of pizza changed his life. During a phone call where he was trying to save his imploding company, his 3 ½-year-old daughter appeared looking for breakfast. Chris wasn’t available. The sight of his daughter stretching up to the microwave to reheat her own pizza changed him in a heartbeat. If he couldn’t be available for the most important person in his life, something was drastically wrong. He had to do different. The pizza moment kick-started a daily habit that’s fueled and shaped Ch

  • 89. Kelly Ernst: How To Find Passion Outside Of Your Work

    12/08/2019 Duración: 46min

    “Passion is just one thread in an intricate weaving of what’s ultimately going to satisfy you.” It was 2008 when Kelly Ernst entered the corporate world. At the heart of the crash, Kelly felt lucky to find a job. But after working for JP Morgan as an engineer on Wall Street, she soon burnt out. Life felt more purposeful in Austin where Kelly joined a software business committed to helping kids learn. But that didn’t work out long-term either. After the company was bought out, Keely was faced with the choice between a severance package or moving states. She took the package and committed to life as an entrepreneur. This wasn’t as easy as it sounds! Without the safeguards of healthcare and a pension, running a business felt like a big risk. But according to Kelly’s old boss she was ‘unmanageable’ so she had to figure out a way to work. And she did! Kelly used her coding and engineer skills to launch Redemin - an online fashion brand that built JEANome - proprietary AI that helps women shop for th

  • 88. Mark Crandall: How To Release Deep Trauma and Live Your Best Life

    05/08/2019 Duración: 58min

    “Everything from my past happened for me. And not only did it happen for me, it happened for me to show others that they can overcome their past as well.” Mark Crandall endured an unbelievably traumatic childhood. He was burnt with cigarettes, handcuffed inside a locked closet, and neglected by his parents. Taken into foster care age 3, life didn’t get any better. He started stealing, became addicted to drugs, and spent seven years in and out of prison. None of this was his fault. He’d been dealt a rotten hand by life and after enduring so much trauma, this was his destiny. Then Mark met Rob - his first mentor. Rob asked Mark a question that literally changed his life in a heartbeat. “What’s it like being a 25-year-old man living the ages of 3-7. What’s it like to play the victim?”This question kick-started an awakening in Mark. He began to question everything n an attempt to strip away the layers and get closer to his heart. Mark was done allowing his past trauma to define his life. He was don

  • 87. Joshua Lee: What to Do after Losing your Marriage, your Money, and your Businesses

    29/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    “Most people base success on how much money someone is making. Based on that I was successful but felt horrible, and I knew something had to change.” This episode’s guest got his first taste of entrepreneurship in middle school when he started selling candy out of his locker. By the time he was 24, Joshua Lee was running 16 companies and generating a couple million dollars a month. To the outside world, he’d made it. He had more money than he knew what to do with. He was living a luxury life with his wife and two kids and he was surrounded by friends in similar positions. But inside, he felt horrible and miserable. His relationships had become transactional and his identity and self-esteem was driven by the figure in his bank account. Worse than that, Josh didn’t feel as though he knew himself. His in-laws didn’t feel comfortable when he talked about his business success meaning there was this whole side to Josh that was buried and unexpressed to people outside his business circles. Eventu

  • 86. Demi McConkie: How To Find Your Soul's Purpose

    22/07/2019 Duración: 51min

    “Purpose is the precipice of meaning, and without meaning, we are just doing chores.”Purpose is ‘everything’. It’s the fuel that gives meaning to life and it’s the key that unlocks the motivation to act. Without purpose, there’s no reason to do the hard stuff or no incentive to step out of your comfort zone. That’s why figuring out your purpose is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself. But it’s not an easy path to walk - and that’s not your fault. As a human, you have to dance through life with two competing ‘partners’. First, there’s your Monkey Mind - your reactive, inner critic, fear-fueled self. The part of you that’s desperate to keep you safe and keep you away from risk. Secondly, there’s your ‘Soul Purpose Heart’ - the part of you who’s connected to source. The wild dreaming, big loving consciousness that wants you to thrive. And the life you get to live is determined by which partner you allow to dominate your dance.This episode's guest is dedicated to helping you n

  • 85. Michael Dash: Life Beyond Addictive Highs

    15/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    “Addictions, unlike people, will never let you down. They will always be there for you. They are your best friend because they are always there. They’re also your biggest enemy because of the damage they do to you.” This episode’s guest became an addict when he was just 11-years-old. The way it happened was quite innocent and even accidental. Michael Dash won his first ever bet during a family Thanksgiving dinner. It was an experience that led to a 20 year gambling addiction. Thanks to his addictive personality, Michael didn’t stop at gambling. Instead, he kept chasing the high. And the more he got, the more he needed. This led him to pills at college, which evolved into marijuana and cocaine. Despite these addictions, Michael was outwardly successful. Driven by hard work and addicted to doing well, Michael was earning 6-figures just two years out of school. Fuelled by the high that his addictions guaranteed, he worked his butt off to ensure he could fuel his obsessions.  But he

  • 84. Ricky Roberts III: Being Stabbed 9 Times To Living Your Best Life

    08/07/2019 Duración: 51min

    “When you have the courage to take that leap and go for it, you don’t need to know how it’s going to work out.” This episode’s guest was just 17 when he was stabbed nine times. Prior to this life-changing experience, Ricky Roberts didn’t care whether he lived or died. After an abusive childhood, Ricky was full of anger and resentment. He thought about suicide frequently. He’d even put a gun in his mouth and played with the trigger. But as he lay in the hospital bed watching the Emergency Staff work him, he realized he didn’t want to die after all. Instead, he wanted to learn how to live. In the darkest of moments, Ricky had been thrown an unexpected lifeline. So he grabbed this second chance and used his rock bottom moment to transform his life. Nowadays, life couldn’t be more different. Ricky is the author of seven books. He’s a youth advocate, a national speaker, and the founder of You Are Valued - an organization on a mission to inspire a movement of valuing others through community out

  • 83. Steph Gaudreau: Building Confidence Through Strength and Space

    01/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    “I really believe that we have so many amazing gifts and talents and things to share with the world, but if we don’t feel good in our body it’s really hard to share with people.” Steph Gaudreau is a Nutritional Therapy Consultant, weightlifting and mindset coach. She’s also the highly coveted author of the brand new book, “The Core 4”, and passionate about helping women build their inner and outer strength so they can take up more space. Through her ‘Core 4’ teachings, Steph empowers women to ditch their diets, the scales, and exercise as a form of punishment. Her work is powerful, her story is inspiring, and I could not wait to go down the rabbithole with her in this incredible episode. Like lots of other women, Steph used to struggled with her weight. She suffered with body dysmorphia and was obsessed with dieting. Food ruled and Steph never felt enough. Her inner dialogue told her she wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough or even good enough. She had problems with blood sugar regul

  • 82. Allen Brouwer: How To Create Work-Life Harmony

    24/06/2019 Duración: 54min

    “Change is great, change is exciting, change is scary, but what happens on the side of scary is amazingness.” This episode’s guest is Allen Brouwer. He’s the co-founder of, a Forbes 30 Under 30 winner, and the only person to have won Shopify’s Build a Business and Build a BIGGER Business consecutively.He’s a man whose entirely self-made and has redefined for himself and thousands of others what it means to be successful with tools such as the SELF Journal. In short, he’s an all-round badass!This isn’t his first time on the show. In fact, Allen was one of my very first Stay Grounded guests way back in 2017, but I wanted to bring him on again because so much has changed in his life. Allen recently became a dad for the first time - one of my first friends to become a parent. So I wanted to get him back to chat about how parenthood has changed him and how he’s learnt to juggle business with being present for his daughter.This episode is a powerful reminder of the importance of creating harmony in your

  • 81. Colin Morgan: How To Change Your Path & Start Fresh

    17/06/2019 Duración: 49min

    “We can’t change the past — we can just learn from it. We can look at it and wonder what we could have done differently. How can we learn and do things so that we don’t make those same mistakes today?” As a kid, Colin was obsessed with golf. He was naturally talented and eventually turned pro. Then to his horror, he realized this wasn’t the life he wanted. He hit his breaking point on the 9th tee of a golf course in Arizona. Despite being in the state for two months, Colin realized he knew nothing about the area except the golf course. It was time to quit.But that’s when the real ‘competition’ began.Until that point, golf had been everything to Colin. It defined who he was, how others saw him, and what he did. How could he make the transition to something new when he didn’t even know what it was he wanted?Business seemed like the obvious solution, but it wasn’t until he struggled as an entrepreneur for many years until he figured it out. He’s been trying to get rich quick, but that wasn’t the answer! Instead,

  • 80. Steven Kuhn: How To Make Vulnerability Your Superpower

    10/06/2019 Duración: 53min

    “When it comes to my day-to-day and my mindset, I don’t think about the past and the future. I focus on the situation at hand.” This episode's guest is the incredible Steven Kuhn -- a speaker, author, and consultant who empowers people to improve their life through the principles of honesty, integrity and transparency. He’s a man that can turn failing businesses into success and whose clients include rockstars, sports personalities, and celebrities.Steven is a big man who makes an even bigger impact everywhere he goes -- and I can’t wait for you to meet him in this show.But life wasn’t always this good. As a kid, he struggled with self-loathing and self-hatred, then after serving on the front line in Iraq, he came away with severe PTSD and suicidal thoughts.But against the odds, Steven figured out how to use these rock bottom experiences to turn his life into a conduit for joy and love. This powerful mindset has empowered Steven to turn vulnerability into a strength, pain into perspective, and hurt into love.

  • 79. Zark Fatah: Changing Your Life After The Age of 40

    03/06/2019 Duración: 46min

    “Success means different things to different people. You create your own definition of success, and it has nothing to do with the type of car you’re driving or the brand of watch you’re wearing.” When this episode’s guest hit 40, he realized something had to change.Despite spending 15 years in the entertainment and hospitality industry [where he’d launched a dozen businesses], Zark Fatah didn’t have the life he wanted.His success felt superficial because it was based on material possessions. He felt lonely in love, he didn’t jump out of bed to get to work, and because he had a habit of spending more than he earned, he was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.It was a wake up call.Surely there was more to life than this? The man in the mirror wasn’t the guy he wanted to be. So he let go, deconstructed his life, and redefined himself - beyond recognition.And in this episode, you get to hear what Zark did and how his life has changed as a result.“As humans, we are all curious individuals. It’s just in our na

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