Stay Grounded With Raj Jana



Raj Jana is the Founder and Chief Brewing Officer at JavaPresse Coffee Company, a lifestyle brand on a mission to help people experience happier lives through the coffee they love. In the Stay Grounded Podcast, he interviews people from all walks of life to discuss happiness, success, fulfillment, and ways to infuse it all into daily life. Find out more at


  • 78. Matt Hunter: Beating Imposter Syndrome to Solve Global Problems

    27/05/2019 Duración: 44min

    “Having a growth mindset is not needing to spend time growing. It’s that you can look at every situation and take away what you’re learning from it.” In a world of growing inequality, deepening environmental problems, and significant global change, we have a lot of stuff that needs fixing!And this episode’s guest is passionate about doing his bit to find and fund some of the world's most pressing problems.Meet Matt Hunter, CEO of the incredible Founders Pledge - a global community of entrepreneurs all committed to donating a % of their exit proceeds to charity. To date, the Founders Pledge has secured binding pledges of $1.6bn from 1200 business founders in 30 countries. YES! It’s incredible work, and the momentum keeps building as more entrepreneurs and business owners get onboard.For me, this is an organization that holds a promise that altruism, philanthropy, and helping others will become the new north star. It’s why I couldn’t wait to get Matt on the show.“Even in the worst moments, you can still choose

  • 77. Phoebe Mroczek: Building a Life That's An Expression of You

    20/05/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    “When you show up in a present way for somebody, it is so powerful that your heart can’t help but come through.” This episode was filmed in front of a live audience making it a Stay Grounded first!Phoebe Mroczek is a fellow podcaster and marketing strategist. She thought she had her life figured out from the age of five. All she ever wanted was to play soccer professionally - and she was good enough. But when she hit 21, she realized soccer wasn’t her destiny.It was a revelation that left a massive void in Phoebe’s life - and she had to figure out how to close it.Letting go of her soccer dream made Phoebe realize that you don’t have to restrict yourself to a single identity. Instead, you can pick and choose who you want to be and how to want to show up - on a daily basis (if that feels right). This realization empowered Phoebe to create a life on her terms that’s a full expression of who she wants to be. It’s how she’s able to travel extensively, podcast regularly, and build an aligned business that lights he

  • 76. Logan Christopher: Using Time in Nature to Fuel an Extraordinary Life

    13/05/2019 Duración: 58min

    “You have certain mentors that are human beings. Why keep it to one species? You can learn things you can never learn from any human from talking to a tree or a mushroom or a plant.” Drum roll please because this episode is a Stay Grounded first! That’s because it’s the very first time I’ve brought an old guest back into the interview chair.You may remember Logan ‘strongman’ Christopher from episode 35 when he revealed how an experience in the Amazon changed his life. Well, things have moved on since then. Logan has jumped much deeper into his connection with nature. In fact, he now describes himself as an emissary of nature - someone who communicates deeply with the wildlife, plants, and landscapes around him. At the surface level, this may sound a bit crazy, but hear Logan speak and I guarantee you’ll never look at nature through the same lens again.This episode is a beautiful opportunity to expand your definition of self. It’s a chance to explore how you can open up different parts of your being and i

  • 75. David Newell: The Delightful Pursuit of Your Inner Truth

    06/05/2019 Duración: 53min

    “We are all essentially shades of shadow to light, and the shadow is just aspects of ourselves that we haven’t forgiven and brought into light yet.” Like many of us, David Newell started out on the traditional path through life. After graduating, he took a lucrative career in investment banking and all was good for a while - until he burnt out aged just 25. The burnout was so severe that David was forced to quit working and take 6 months to recover and find himself again.But as often is the case, this rock-bottom moment blossomed into an opportunity for massive healing and self-discovery. In this time, David chose to travel, invest in retreats, and get curious about life. This healing journey uncovered an enduring need to dive deep into the inner self to understand the workings of the mind. It’s where his Inner Truth podcast and business was born - work that he loves and work that provides a platform for continuous growth.Nowadays, David is obsessed with diving deeper and exploring further. It’s a journey tha

  • 74. Shari Aldrich: What To Do When Life Has Different Plans For You

    29/04/2019 Duración: 46min

    “I just want to choose happy all the time, and if I’m not loving something I’m doing, I let it go. And if it’s something that brings me joy, I keep travelling down that path.” Shari Aldrich was doing well on the traditional path through life.Working as an IT Director back in the 90s she had a secure and stable job, but it didn’t bring her joy. Like many others, she stuck it out -- until her mom and two of her siblings died unexpectedly in the space of just four years. After losing half her family in such a tiny timeframe, Shari realized that life is too short to settle for choices that don’t create joy.It’s how happiness became her ruler and empowered her to discover the work she was born to do -- massage.Nowadays, Shari doesn’t wait for happy to come. Instead, she proactively chooses it -- even when pain makes a visit. In fact, pain has been a catalyst for massive personal growth and now influences Shari’s mission to use massage to relieve one million people of pain by 2025.But her story doesn’t stop there..

  • 73. Aimee Tariq: How Near Death Experiences Can Be Your Greatest Teacher

    22/04/2019 Duración: 46min

    “I was not scared of the illness itself. I thought, "This is just something that’s happening. It’s not going to be permanent. Either I’ll die or get better — those are the only two options I’m going to give myself."” When Aimme’s heart raced to 200bpm - even when she wasn’t doing anything - she knew there was something seriously wrong. At the time, the medical community didn’t even have a name for Aimee’s chronic condition - but that turned out to be a blessing.Aimee’s condition left her drained and debilitated. It was so severe she couldn’t even brush her teeth by herself. Aimee didn’t want to live like this. It wasn’t OK for her; so she made a choice. She knew she’d either die or get better.Turned out, life wanted the latter for her.When you’re not boxed in with a label or a specific diagnosis, you’re more able to tune into your own intuition. It’s what Aimee did. She removed toxins from her life, started eating organic, and invested in alternative therapies. The results were astounding. Aimee went from bei

  • 72. Yanik Silver: How Evolved Enterprise Will Change Your World

    15/04/2019 Duración: 51min

    “Following your heart is frequently scary but never wrong.” Today’s guest is redefining how we build and do business in the 21st century.In fact, it’s fair to say that Yanik Silver is the reason Stay Grounded exists today. He helped me put the soul in JavaPresse by giving me the tools that transformed an ordinary e-commerce coffee company into a brand that helps people “stay grounded” through the moments they love. And he’s done the same for countless other entrepreneurs too.As the founder of Evolved Enterprise and Maverick1000, Yanik’s mission is to “catalyze the catalyst”. Through his work, he empowers entrepreneurs to follow their heart, and put their fun and purpose at the heart of business. And as more businesses follow this lead, the ripples of impact spread further and further.In fact, his work is so powerful that he’s been praised by the likes of Richard Branson and his story has featured in WIRED,, USA Today, and Entrepreneur to name just a few.So if you’re an entrepreneur who’s at a crossro

  • 71. Andre Norman: Spending 14 Years in Prison to Changing the World

    08/04/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    “I know people in the world today who aren’t free. They’re slaves to work, they’re slaves to stereotypes and slaves to cultures and customs they don’t even believe in. Not being in jail does not mean you are free.” This week’s guest is proof that your past doesn’t have to equal your future. You can drop the old stories, change your core beliefs, and create a life you love - even if your past says otherwise.Rewind two decades and not only was Andre serving a 100-year prison sentence, he also ran all the gang activity in the prison. You could say it was his destiny. As a kid, he felt unwanted. He felt disconnected and left out. In turn, he never saw his potential and instead followed a life fuelled by drugs, alcohol, depression, self-harming, and ultimately crime.But as is the case with many people, once he hit rock bottom he was able to turn his life around.It was during a period of solitary confinement that Andre eventually pulled the metaphorical parachute for help. His epiphany inspired him to do the work,

  • 70. Cathryn Lavery: Transitioning from Employee to Multi-Millionaire Founder

    01/04/2019 Duración: 50min

    “If everyone did the same thing as everyone else, then no one would be creating an impact.” It was 2011 when Cathryn Lavery moved from Ireland to New York City to take up a graduate job as an architect. Despite dabbling with an Ebay store while at school, there was no question of her not following a traditional career path. And anyway, she didn’t know any entrepreneurs to guide her.But life had other plans.When Cathryn landed in NYC, her employer announced a 25% cut in her pay. Cathryn wasn’t ready to quit or admit to her parents that things weren’t working out as expected, so she launched a side hustle to help make ends meet.Before long that side hustle generated more money than her full-time job. After reading 23 carefully selected books and completing her ‘personal MBA’, Cathryn quit to become a full-time entrepreneur - and never looked back.Today, Cathryn is the CEO and creative genius behind BestSelf.Co - a multi-million-dollar ecommerce brand that develops tools (such as the SELF Journal) to help people

  • 69. Lee Holden: How to Become Superhuman

    25/03/2019 Duración: 45min

    “There is a way in which we can ask good questions, and I think that is the bridge I often use to help people discover these latent powers within themselves and their own human potential.” What do you do if you feel pain in your body? If you’re like a lot of people, then your instinct will be to reach for the painkillers. But what if that’s not the right thing to do?Our western culture is very cerebral. We spend a lot of time in our heads, while ignoring the calling of our body. It can be hard to express emotions and even more difficult to process them. As a result, we experience a lot of dis-ease.Today’s guest has a different approach. After a back injury while playing college football, Lee Holden was told he’d be out for the rest of the season. He took pain medication, but when the pills affected his digestion he sought a different route for healing. To his surprise, acupuncture made him better after just a few weeks and he was back in the team faster than anyone predicted. This profound healing experience

  • 68. Andy Storch: Learning Strategies to Accelerate Your Growth

    18/03/2019 Duración: 51min

    “The world is changing and the rate of change has never been faster. We have to keep learning to keep up. If you think you have it figured out, you’re going to get disrupted and fall behind.”Did you know that the average CEO reads 52 books a year?According to this episode’s guest, that’s because reading is a powerful way to learn, grow, and get new ideas. But is passive learning enough to reach your full potential and are there other strategies you can explore to accelerate your growth curve?These are some of the questions I put to Andy Storch during this deep-dive conversation.Andy is a consultant, coach, and facilitator who helps people do the best work of their lives by enhancing their overall performance. He’s worked with a huge range of clients including Google, Red Bull, Sony, and Toyota as well as small businesses and startup CEOs.Andy is passionate about leadership development, self-improvement, and using learning as a tool to get the max out of your life too. So as you can imagine I couldn’t wai

  • 67. Todd Herman: Using Alter Egos To Experience The Life You Want

    11/03/2019 Duración: 52min

    “An alter ego gives you an amazing tool to tap into the creative imagination to allow you to unfold and see more of what you’re capable of.”This episode’s guest is an absolute rockstar. I picked up his new book a few weeks back and finished it within 2 days - which should be telling for the greatness that was shared here.Mr Todd Herman is a peak performance coach and serial entrepreneur who’s been mentoring elite performers in the world of sport and business for over 20 years. Through his treasure box of tools and philosophies, Todd is known for helping people achieve their most ambitious goals.And in this episode, you’ll discover one of his most powerful techniques - so you can use it for yourself.The technique I’m referring to is the use of an “alter ego”, which comes from Todd’s new book - The Alter Ego Effect.Alter egos are the “other you”. They are characters (or identities) you can ‘activate’ to demonstrate the mindsets, beliefs, and practices that enable you to take the actions required to achieve your

  • 66. Dr Gerry Curatola: Finding Purpose In Your Work

    04/03/2019 Duración: 49min

    “I believe that our microbes are our connection to each other, it’s our commonality as human beings, but it’s our connection to the cosmos.”What I love about the Stay Grounded Podcast is it enables me to interview people from all walks of life - proof that we all have our unique stories to share with each other and the world.And this episode is no different - apart from the fact that our conversation heads off in directions you won’t anticipate at the beginning.Dr Gerry Curatola is a pioneer in the dental field. He’s a top dentist with over 28 years experience who’s appeared on the likes of Dr Oz. One of the things that sets Dr Gerry apart is his passion for using the mouth as a window to the whole person. He’s obsessed with oral health - in particular the health of the microbiome. It’s a passion that led him to create his own toothpaste - Revitin - which is entirely different to any other toothpaste that you’ll find on the market.In this episode, Dr Gerry will inspire you to look at your own mouth in new way

  • 65, Farnoosh Torabi: How To Feel In Control Of Your Money

    25/02/2019 Duración: 51min

    “Whom you end up being in your financial life is not a coincidence. There is a lot of context for it. Maybe there were patterns you just didn’t see. Until you recognise that, you can’t really enhance or change the life that you have.”Do you have money issues or money blocks? If so, you’re almost certainly not alone. Money is a topic that’s highly emotionally and we all have our own individual conversations around it.From fears around scarcity to concerns that you’re going to lose it all, money is a topic many of us struggle to talk about or feel in control of.It’s why you’re in for a treat today.That’s because in this episode, I’m interviewing the incredible Farnoosh Torabi - one of America’s leading finance experts. Over the years, Farnoosh has helped thousands of people master their money and use their wealth to live extraordinary lives.Farnoosh is the real deal with a career that’s included everything 3 best-selling books and a primetime series on CNN, to regular columns in O and The Oprah magazine . She a

  • 64. Ron Baker: The Transformative Power of Loving Yourself

    18/02/2019 Duración: 52min

    “A lot of people are afraid to look inside because they’re afraid they’re going to open up pain and suffering.”This week’s guest is Ron Baker. As a highly sought after coach, speaker, author, bioenergetics healing practitioner. Ron has helped millions around the world thrive through a journey of self-mastery over the last 25 years.He is someone I personally look up to for emotional guidance, and with good reason.When I first met Ron, what drew me to him was his passion for leveraging self-awareness to create a more fulfilling life. It’s something I’ve become increasingly fascinated with because I believe self-awareness is the key to everything you want.I’ve always been hungry to learn. It’s where my passion for books, courses, mentoring, and events comes from - because they shorten your learning curve and help you progress faster.But tactics and strategies only take you so far.At some point, you'll need something deeper.You’ll need to expand your understanding of self so you can deal with failure, solve mista

  • 63. Marla Mattenson: How A Healthy Relationship Fuels Entrepreneurial Success

    11/02/2019 Duración: 54min

    “This is our mission: All couples on the planet will use their relationship as the vehicle for their own personal transformation.”You may be familiar with the name of this month’s guest. That’s because I interviewed Marla’s romantic partner - Julian Colker - way back on episode 33 of the Stay Grounded Podcast.As an entrepreneurial power couple the story is only complete when you interview both halves, so I couldn’t wait to go down the rabbit hole with Marla.Marla is a relationship & intimacy expert who specializes in coaching entrepreneurial couples.If you’re in a relationship with another entrepreneur (or someone with an entrepreneur mindset) you’ll understand the specific challenges and opportunities that arise from this union. Fuelled by risk-taking, a growth mindset, and a desire to put yourself ‘out there’, entrepreneurial couples can struggle to create work-life harmony and create quality space for each other.But use your relationship as a mirror to fuel radical self-awareness, and you can both fly

  • 62. Mike Kemski: Transforming Pain Into Your Biggest Asset

    04/02/2019 Duración: 53min

    “All the stuff from my past became my biggest asset — not my biggest enemy — and that really empowered me to keep moving forward.”Mike Kemski wasn’t raised with a lot of love as a child. Instead, he was repeatedly told that he was worthless and would amount to anything. Thanks to these repeated messages, which were reinforced by his home environment, he began to believe those words were true.As a result, Mike got into all sorts of trouble as a kid. He turned to violence, alcohol, and drugs to escape the pain until, aged 16, he was full of anger and consumed with low self-esteem and self image.Eventually, he checked himself into rehab and things started to change.But that wasn’t yet the final turning point.After cleaning up and getting sober, Mike still didn’t feel happy. Instead, he felt an empty void inside. He just couldn’t figure out how to make life work for him. Instead, every day was painful, meaningless, and difficult.So he put a loaded gun into his mouth.But instead of ending it all, the gun misfired

  • 61. Josh Stuart: Using Ancient Wisdom To Thrive In a Modern World

    28/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    “I don’t believe anything that happens is by chance. Every person that comes across our path, whether we like the interaction or not, it’s all for a purpose.”If you recognize today’s guest from the TV, you’d be right! That’s because in this episode I’m interviewing no other than Josh Stuart from the Discovery Channel Reality TV show, ‘Diesel Brothers.’Josh, otherwise known as ‘Redbeard’ is one of the most grounded people I know, and after chatting to him, it’s easy to see why. Josh grew up in Roosevelt, UT in the Uintah Basin which is part of a native American Indian reservation. It meant from an early age, Josh was introduced to the idea of connection between all things. He was raised on the idea that nature offers messages from the universe and if you’re alert enough, you can see the signs.Josh finally got back on the spiritual path around five years ago after meeting his wife.Now, he lives his life in deep connection with the energies all around us. Unsurprisingly, it’s a core topic in this episode.So if y

  • 60. Diane Forster: How To Live Like It’s Your Last Day

    21/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    “I have learned and I teach that the only opinion that matters is mine. The only opinion about you that matters is yours.”Diane Forster’s rock bottom moment happened in the bathroom of her family home when she decided to take her own life.To the outside world, Diane seemed to have it all. She had the relationship and the successful corporate career, but inside she felt empty. Eventually, she reached the point when she couldn’t take it anymore. Then Diane felt her late mother’s presence and heard her voice telling her to put the pills down and get help - so she could help others.Turns out your breaking point can be the most beautiful gift because from this peak emotional experience arises fresh opportunities.In that moment, life changed. Diane’s mother died when she was just 53, but here she was providing guidance when Diane needed it most. What came next for Diane was a journey back to herself.A journey of forgiveness, of compassion, and of reinvention to the point where Diane now helps others to live intenti

  • 59. Kristen Berman: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life

    14/01/2019 Duración: 47min

    “We can learn so much about our flaws, our rationalities, our biases, but overcoming them in real time is not possible.”The personal development industry hinges on the need for us to “change our mindset” so we can create permanent change in our lives.It’s good advice.After all, the way we think and the things we believe fuel our decisions and our behaviors.But change is hard.If you’ve ever tried to start a business, lose weight, save money (or do anything that’s outside your normal, everyday life), you’ll know how difficult it can be. Everything from resistance, to laziness, to a lack of motivation seem to hold us back.If only there was an easier way. If only we could ‘hack’ our way to the desirable behaviors that take us closer to our goals...Turns out there is.And in this week’s guest, Kristen Berman, shows us how.Kristen Berman studies how people actually act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should or would perform if they were completely rational.Kristen co-founded Irrational Labs, a behavioral

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