Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

78. Matt Hunter: Beating Imposter Syndrome to Solve Global Problems



“Having a growth mindset is not needing to spend time growing. It’s that you can look at every situation and take away what you’re learning from it.” In a world of growing inequality, deepening environmental problems, and significant global change, we have a lot of stuff that needs fixing!And this episode’s guest is passionate about doing his bit to find and fund some of the world's most pressing problems.Meet Matt Hunter, CEO of the incredible Founders Pledge - a global community of entrepreneurs all committed to donating a % of their exit proceeds to charity. To date, the Founders Pledge has secured binding pledges of $1.6bn from 1200 business founders in 30 countries. YES! It’s incredible work, and the momentum keeps building as more entrepreneurs and business owners get onboard.For me, this is an organization that holds a promise that altruism, philanthropy, and helping others will become the new north star. It’s why I couldn’t wait to get Matt on the show.“Even in the worst moments, you can still choose