Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

59. Kristen Berman: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life



“We can learn so much about our flaws, our rationalities, our biases, but overcoming them in real time is not possible.”The personal development industry hinges on the need for us to “change our mindset” so we can create permanent change in our lives.It’s good advice.After all, the way we think and the things we believe fuel our decisions and our behaviors.But change is hard.If you’ve ever tried to start a business, lose weight, save money (or do anything that’s outside your normal, everyday life), you’ll know how difficult it can be. Everything from resistance, to laziness, to a lack of motivation seem to hold us back.If only there was an easier way. If only we could ‘hack’ our way to the desirable behaviors that take us closer to our goals...Turns out there is.And in this week’s guest, Kristen Berman, shows us how.Kristen Berman studies how people actually act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should or would perform if they were completely rational.Kristen co-founded Irrational Labs, a behavioral