Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

64. Ron Baker: The Transformative Power of Loving Yourself



“A lot of people are afraid to look inside because they’re afraid they’re going to open up pain and suffering.”This week’s guest is Ron Baker. As a highly sought after coach, speaker, author, bioenergetics healing practitioner. Ron has helped millions around the world thrive through a journey of self-mastery over the last 25 years.He is someone I personally look up to for emotional guidance, and with good reason.When I first met Ron, what drew me to him was his passion for leveraging self-awareness to create a more fulfilling life. It’s something I’ve become increasingly fascinated with because I believe self-awareness is the key to everything you want.I’ve always been hungry to learn. It’s where my passion for books, courses, mentoring, and events comes from - because they shorten your learning curve and help you progress faster.But tactics and strategies only take you so far.At some point, you'll need something deeper.You’ll need to expand your understanding of self so you can deal with failure, solve mista