Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

70. Cathryn Lavery: Transitioning from Employee to Multi-Millionaire Founder



“If everyone did the same thing as everyone else, then no one would be creating an impact.” It was 2011 when Cathryn Lavery moved from Ireland to New York City to take up a graduate job as an architect. Despite dabbling with an Ebay store while at school, there was no question of her not following a traditional career path. And anyway, she didn’t know any entrepreneurs to guide her.But life had other plans.When Cathryn landed in NYC, her employer announced a 25% cut in her pay. Cathryn wasn’t ready to quit or admit to her parents that things weren’t working out as expected, so she launched a side hustle to help make ends meet.Before long that side hustle generated more money than her full-time job. After reading 23 carefully selected books and completing her ‘personal MBA’, Cathryn quit to become a full-time entrepreneur - and never looked back.Today, Cathryn is the CEO and creative genius behind BestSelf.Co - a multi-million-dollar ecommerce brand that develops tools (such as the SELF Journal) to help people