Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

89. Kelly Ernst: How To Find Passion Outside Of Your Work



“Passion is just one thread in an intricate weaving of what’s ultimately going to satisfy you.” It was 2008 when Kelly Ernst entered the corporate world. At the heart of the crash, Kelly felt lucky to find a job. But after working for JP Morgan as an engineer on Wall Street, she soon burnt out. Life felt more purposeful in Austin where Kelly joined a software business committed to helping kids learn. But that didn’t work out long-term either. After the company was bought out, Keely was faced with the choice between a severance package or moving states. She took the package and committed to life as an entrepreneur. This wasn’t as easy as it sounds! Without the safeguards of healthcare and a pension, running a business felt like a big risk. But according to Kelly’s old boss she was ‘unmanageable’ so she had to figure out a way to work. And she did! Kelly used her coding and engineer skills to launch Redemin - an online fashion brand that built JEANome - proprietary AI that helps women shop for th