Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

90. Chris Winfield: Help People, Experience Success



“When you feel like you’re stuck in your own head and you can’t get out of your own way, the best way to change that is to help someone else.” It was January 3rd 2011 when Chris Winfield finally checked into rehab after drinking since the age of 13. His addiction led to an isolated life, which had created a ‘god-sized’ hole that left him wanting more. On the outside, everything looked good. The company he co-founded employed over 100 people and grew to a bunch of offices, but he wasn’t happy. Then a piece of pizza changed his life. During a phone call where he was trying to save his imploding company, his 3 ½-year-old daughter appeared looking for breakfast. Chris wasn’t available. The sight of his daughter stretching up to the microwave to reheat her own pizza changed him in a heartbeat. If he couldn’t be available for the most important person in his life, something was drastically wrong. He had to do different. The pizza moment kick-started a daily habit that’s fueled and shaped Ch