Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

94. AJ Yager & Meaghan Connell: Data Driven Approaches That Improve Your Love, Your Business, And Your Life



“Data is just information, and the more information that you have, the more knowledge and wisdom you can gain.” What if you didn’t have to make decisions on a whim. Instead, what if you could leverage facts to guide your choices and help you dance more gracefully through life?Welcome to the world of AJ and Meaghan - The Co-Founders of Praxis Metrics. This power couple has made data more than a business - it’s also a way of life that infuses through everything they do. From their relationship to their health, business, and everyday life, data is the heartbeat of their choices, their actions, and their decisions. Not in a contrived way, instead, AJ and Meaghan use data points as sources of truth to minimize guesswork and help them get crystal clear on everything from the foods they should eliminate to the practices that strengthen their relationship. AJ and Meaghan show that data needn’t be scary and it’s not for logical thinkers alone. Instead, data can become a source of power that elevates you