Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

92. Zion Kim: Why a Better You Creates a Better World



“One thing that most people don’t realise is a better you is a better world. So whatever makes you better off will make the world better off.” At 28, Zion Kim has achieved huge success in business. He’s the founder of IMT as well as a serial entrepreneur who’s been the whisperer behind many high profile entrepreneurs and business leaders. As a result of working alongside so many impressive people, he’s got clear on what it takes to be successful. And the answer may surprise you... Zion believes most business issues are either psychological or mindset related. The reason we don’t hire that person or launch that product isn’t because we don’t know how to do it. Instead, it’s because we’re stopped by a deeper story. emotional states, or limiting beliefs. Until you work through these subconscious blocks, you’ll always operated at a level lower than what you’re capable.  This is why Zion is passionate about business mindset and psychological leadership. He’s obsessed with empowering people