Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

98. Bob Gilpatrick: Everyday Strategies To Stay Forever Young



“I always had this thing where I wanted to be helpful for every single person. I don’t want to have to look at someone and say there isn’t anything I can do.” Bob Gilpatrick and his business partner Larry began working on projects together when Larry was 65. At the time, Larry was in very poor health. He was suffering from a range of illnesses and disorders common with older folk. He was on 11 medications, he’d had two surgeries and was scheduled for two more, and he was riddled with pain and discomfort. It’s what happens when you’re ‘old’ - or is it? Using his 20 years’ experience in holistic nutrition, Bob developed a comprehensive nutrition plan for Larry. After just TWO months, Larry had lost pounds of excess weight, he was full of energy, and he even looked significantly younger. What’s more, Larry was able to quit all his meds, avoid two surgeries, and cut 36 years off his age [according to his life insurance provider]!The results were so astounding, that Bob and Larry founded Boomers For