Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show



Intro. This show is about us the people the working class, moms, dads and #military personal (as the wife of a Marine) relating to everyday life giving it to you real in my #murphyslaw virtual studio. Giving free exposure via interviews to entrepreneurs, self-employed, dreamers, hidden talents, small biz owners they don't have to pay for. I also give #IndependentArtist with good clean music an opportunity to have their songs played on this show free.. That's the working class is paying for enough don't you think WE are supporting the rich and the poor. #middlemanentertainment #linajones #diamondnetwork #diamondtalk #diamonddelights #socialmedia #ljdnshow #twitter #facebook #instagram. Check me out


  • The Creativity of Sarah Loft Designs

    30/03/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds!. Thank you as always for listening to the show last week's show was very informative I know I learned some things about diabetes and natural healings. If you didn't get a chance to listen to the show you can listen anytime just visit the website at Monday's show is all about creativity you seen her pillows on my website since January each pillow I display has a story behind it. Sarah Loft has so many different creations photography to pillows to pictures she has a lot going on such a creative soul. On Monday we will be getting into... the mind of Sarah Loft.... finding out which is all about, how she got inspired, and what keeps her going. I am a big fan of her work and have been from the very first time I saw her pillow designs. I am very excited to have her on the show because this is my first retail business owner interview for 2015, there's a lot of people open up stores both online and off-line so here's your chance to ask questions about building, maintaining, and kee

  • Health,Wellness and Empowerment with WebTV Host Dawn Causey

    23/03/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up Diamonds! I enjoy talking to you and I thank you for listening for it my show . March weather is doing what March does, totally unpredictable you never know what to expect, it’s kind of like my show because my guess come from different walks of life each one striving to their own thing. Monday’s guest has a show on the American Hearts Radio WebTV called Remarkable Essence Host Dawn Causey's show is all about wellness, health and women empowerment it airs on the second Monday of each month at 7:45 PM EST. We'll talk about her show get some health and wellness tips, and discussed her women’s conference that just so happens to be going on this weekend in Morrow Georgia Saturday, March 21st called The Third Annual Essence Of Women Health, Wellness and Empowerment Conference. She has a lot of good stuff going on at the conference. If you happen to be in Morrow Georgia stop by and check it out if you bring you can good the admission is free to find out more information about this conference you can visi

  • Interview with Filmmaker & Set Designer Jay Burton

    16/03/2015 Duración: 01h59min

    What's up Diamonds, Thank you for supporting the show please continue support by listening in or downloading Monday's show, when you show your support you are not only supporting the show you are supporting the guest and the #Indie Music artist promoted here on this show. We are still celebrating the show’s anniversary this month as part of our celebration we are giving away a free 270x175 or 270x300px advertisement banner on our website you can select the page you would like your banner to be seen on Free for the month of March this is a $20 and $25.00 per month value. So stop by and check out our website at each pick what page you want your banner to be seen on and send it your banner to Monday’s show does not fall short on talent we have Indy artists Filmmaker and Story Designer Jay Burton he will be on talking about his new film “Dormant” due to open this summer he has also produced and starred in three other films “Dormant” is a prequel to a comic book series na

  • Coffee Talk Time 3-09-15 Let's Talk About Stuff

    09/03/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's up #Diamonds! It is that time again #CoffeeTalk time when I get a chance to somewhat relax and there is no guest it's just me and you! You know I get lots of #goodstuff that I want to share with you and not all the time I have the time during a show to do it. So every so often maybe once every 8 weeks I like to have my #CoffeeTalk episode so we can get a little personal. On Monday's CoffeeTalk I will be talking about new technologies emerging in today's trending society, I'm also going to talk about this dreadful and beautiful cold weather we have been having, social media and brand building tips to share. I have some magazine articles with what I think is some useful information in them this is the type of information that you move your head up and down and say #goodtoknow something you can put away to use as a conversation piece when out socializing with friends. Then I'll  talk about the new night time serials on prime time looks like television is trying to step up its game to keep up with the ca

  • DiamondDelights Music Comedy BrandBuilding Tips

    23/02/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds, Hello to you all! Thank you for tuning in on another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork show don't even think about clicking off  we need you to listen.  You know this is a Murphy's Law studio anything can happen you know the rest I appreciate you listening we are now available in iTunes =) Feb. is coming to a closet and March is right around the corner! 2015 is moving on March 17th will officially be the shows 1st anniversary! Yep I have been here for nearly 1 year starting out with 0 listeners and followers. Although my followers are coming along slowly my listeners up nearly 3,000 that's pretty good for one year's work! In celebration of the shows anniversary in March I will be giving away free advertisement on the shows website the advertisement will be a Free 270x175 clickable that's right clickable banner advertisement valued at $32.00 per month you'll pay nothing for the month of March check website for specifications and formats. Starting in April "Talent In 1

  • Interview with Jimmy Packes & Brand Building Tips

    16/02/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, Last weeks show was pretty wild... the women were live! It's all good on the show thank you for listening and #supporting the show. Monday's show is my long awaited interview with Jimmy Packes Twitter handle @axxepackes. I know you have heard his music on the show and his latest  rock out song "Give Me Chills" which is just one of my favorites from the artist I promote and support. Now you'll hear about how he got started up to what he's doing today which is a mixture of making music and teaching music, you really know when a  person takes his music seriously when you eat, drink, play and teach music. Jimmy's world is about music 24/7 and he does a fantastic job at it, check out his #YouTube channel it's loaded with music samples even videos of his students. I had a great time talking with him and getting to know more about him although it was a little difficult to find a date we both could obligate to. The interview you will hear is a podcast taken earlier in the month but the show its

  • My Romantic Perspeective Happy Valentines Day

    09/02/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds, Thank you for supporting the show this week has been especially busy trying to get all things new established for the show on Monday. I missed my sharing&caring #Humpday I'll make it upto you... not sure how but I'm sure I'll think of something. I am really looking forward to this discussion when I will be pulling #Sweetiepie my assistant into this one, she'll be representing for the young women in their early 20's around 23ish looking for something a little serious. Sharing with us her personal experiences with dating and trying to find Mr. Right, are we living in a Mr. Wrong world? Then we will hear from the newly wed late twenty's early 30's still getting comfortable with the whole marriage thing, been married for a couple of years and now ready to try and start a family. Is the romance still there once you start talking baby? Are you getting bored already? Find out on Monday. Next there is the 30 something we call it that because you're getting to close to 40 to fast kids are d

  • Action Packed Muscles w/Actor/Stunt Man Kevin Mattson

    02/02/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds, Thank you all for listening the year is moving on fast wow! I cannot believe we are in February and March is right around the corner! Before you know it the cherrry blossoms will be blooming and it will be spring again. March is a special month for the show because it will be the shows first anniversary! Yep! 1 year ago March 3rd 2014 I had my very first show I thank all of you who stayed with me throughout the year #muchappreciation. February is going to be an exciting month for the show with romance, action, music and business.  We will be kicking off February with a very talented and muscular guest. Actor/Stunt Performer/Visual Effects/ Fitness, Guru and much, much, more Kevin Mattson CEO of Papa Bear. Kevin's talents are non-stop check out the photo slide show of this dude. If you like muscles and action this is definitely the interview that you want to listen too, also find out what's its like to be a stunt man.  Bringing you #goodstuff #interestingguest all the time. Music promos

  • Comedy DiamondDelights music and Tech talk

    26/01/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds, This has been a busy and long month for the show our first January since the start of the show. We thank you for hanging in there with us thru it all. Live shows can be so challenging and fragile especially when the slightest thing can go so wrong and throw you off your game. I hope you continue to hang in there with us as we grow and continuously work out our glitches. #muchgratitude Monday's show is all about the music! I will be promoting all of the artist on the shows #DiamondDelight list. I haven't done that in a while and I think it's due what about you? We have some good music, new songs and new artist to listen to on Monday's show. Also we are going to hear a new skit from our resident Comedian and Talk show host Brian T. Shirley we'll get to hear some of what he's been working on over the holiday, while we were out shopping Brian was making folks laugh. Also  I'll be giving out some new tech tips in social networkers out there on the #DiamondNetwork and beyond. So join me why d

  • Web TV CEO Mike Aloia new music

    19/01/2015 Duración: 01h58min

    What's Up Diamonds, How are you this week and thank you, thank you for your continued support #muchgratitude. You know one of the things I love about this show is the diversity of people and entertainment I get a chance to speak with. I love the idea of mixing business with pleasure and I look forward to entertaining and being informative to you at the same time. Monday's show is certainly no exception, I have the CEO of Web TV Mike Aloia (I like to think of him as Big Mike) will be interviewing with me on this show. Wow! His job has GOT to be both exciting and stressful at the same time! Can you imagine owning and operating a Web TV network? I don't even know where to start with the questions but you can always help me out with them by calling or Skyping in to the studio and ask questions as well #347-237-4697. You can learn a lot from listening to other people questions...nobody knows everything and we are all learning new things all the time. So join me on Monday at 6:00pm with my guest Mr. Mike Aloia l

  • Interview with Author Dr Brenda Stratton

    12/01/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up Diamonds! Thank you all for listening to the show Monday! I humbly appreciate it, how do you like my new time? I've gotten mixed reactions but so far it’s working pretty good, I feel more relaxed at that time. Some of you maybe cooking dinner at that time well you can always put me on your mobile, tablet even your smart TV and listen in. With today's innovative technology it’s so easy to tune in to #support the show or call... I would love to hear from you. Now that the new years and Holiday season is over things can be quite somber almost boring for some people and Monday's can be the worse. That's why I picked Monday's to add some spark to your Monday's this week its back to business talking about your business. I have Author Dr. Brenda Stratton calling into the studio to talk about her book "Lord Deliver Me from Me" interesting title isn't it? I don't know about you but there are too many times I can remember when I needed the Lord to "Delivery Me from Me" #dangerous. Her book is doing very wel

  • Time To Get Busy- Coffee Talk

    05/01/2015 Duración: 01h59min

    Happy New Year Diamonds! I hope you all had a Fabulously Fun and safe New Year! I don't know about you but I am glad November and December of 2014 are done! I have been so busy I had to make an appointment to breathe.... I am #soserious. It's all finish somewhat now and time to move on to the next segment of my life. Thank you all for your support in 2014 as I look forward to getting your business exposed in 2015! There's a lot of good things planned for the show as I work hard to get your business and talents broadcast. In case you haven't observed the shows new time is 6:00pm EST still on Monday's, why the change you ask? I tell you bout it on the show.  Monday's show is #CoffeeTalk time I wanted to have this time with you before my parade of guest and new musicians start coming through #soexcited! It is my time to get a little personal about what's been going on in my life for the holiday's, discuss new discoveries for social networking, brand building, New Years resolutions and all that good stuff. I a

  • DiamondForum final #Podcast

    29/12/2014 Duración: 01h59min

    What's Up Diamonds! Welcome to the very last podcast I play before the new year starts next Monday I will be back live of course at the shows new time from 6:00pm - 8:00pm still on Monday's so make sure you check me out!  The forum discussions usually consist of 2 guest not including myself talking about 2 subjects, the subjects are selected by the forum guest during the month until two of the subjects are agreed upon and it must be a decision agreed upon by all the member panels. The #DiamondForum happens once a month on the last Monday of the month. In this episode I had a couple of guest who had to leave early Roderick Jefferson and Nicole M. Dixon although I try to have the guest obligate to the panel sometimes things just don't happen that way.. What can you say its a live show and the show must go on. #ShoutOut to Robert for staying on with me we had a blast listen for yourself. If you would like to add a subject send your questions to Voice over actor Roderick Jefferson Twitter h

  • A Few of My Favorite Things PT2

    15/12/2014 Duración: 02h01min

    What's up Diamonds! Thank you for supporting the show and I hope your holidays are being filled with mountains of joy and great memories! We are continuing on with the #DiamondForum episodes from this year. This show was originally taped in August 25th of this year my guest panel were Comedian Brian T. Shirley and Music Producer #Indie Artist Icepack Tali Jackson there was some very serious talk going on, for instance I learned quite a bit about non compete agreements.  Have you ever encountered an experience with one? Listen in to find out what was discussed you might learn something else to add to your library of knowledge. We also talked about the immigration children situation it was a somewhat controversial conversation those subject that kinda make you uncomfortable talking about them, I went a little out of my comfort zone with that one. I usually try to make the topic choice as less controversial as possible being that a lot of guest back down to talking about controversial subjects. If I do have on

  • You Can Have It All

    08/12/2014 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up Diamonds! Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to support the show! I hope your getting all your Christmas shopping done and you're not breaking the bank doing so... Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. So give unselfishly with love as he did. This will be my last live show of the year coming back in 2015 with something new so keep me on your mobile devices! Why not make the last show about having it all for the New Years.. and who better to start with besides my fellow loyal Twitter follower @spoileddive111 Mrs. Deborah Martin-Minton she is the CEO and Founder of Power Play Productions,LLC. Her company manages music artist emphasis on "Unsigned" music artist are you or do you know someone in music that needs a manager? She is has and is continuing to build quite a selection of artist one of them in particular #Diamondboy @THEREALCOLDCASH he was a guest on my show a few months ago you can check out interview under the episodes tab. She manages at least 5 others find out who they

  • A Few Of My Favorite Things

    01/12/2014 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds! Thank you so much for your support and I hope you are enjoying your holidays! I know I am busy! Busy! I had a blast on my very first Holiday show!  If you missed it don't worry you can listen to it at anytime and I will replay the show around Christmas as well. This is my month of catchup planning and scheduling something new and different for the 2015 while I am busy planning I thought I'd play some of my #DiamondForum episodes for you this month, I think you will enjoy them as much as I do with my guest.. I called this show "A Few of My Favorite Things" I enjoy talking with everyone and this show allows me just that, I get to talk to all types of interesting people! So many in fact that it is difficult picking which episodes to play... so I decided to play it safe and replay my #DiamondForum episodes. I will be playing them for three Monday's this month except for next Monday 12/08/14 when I will be live with Twitter follower @spoileddiva111 Mrs. Deborah Martin-Minton. The show you are

  • #DiamondForum Holiday Show

    24/11/2014 Duración: 02h01min

    What's up Diamonds, Thank you for your continued support of the show my guest and the #IndependentMusicArtist that I promote on the show. I am very excited because this Monday is my #DiamondForum Holiday Show! This time I will be hosting the show a little different this will be my first Holiday Show and I have invited a #socialfriend to co-host with me. We will talk about our family traditions, share ideas, recipes and more! My Co-Host will be Author Jacqueline Rainey she has written three books Through Whose Eyes,  Toni's Blues and her latest Dark Harmonie available on Kindle.  She was my very 1st guest  on this show on April 7th 2014, it was my 5th episode and I had not had a guest yet, you know what they say "you never forget your first anything" she made me feel very comfortable we laughed and talked as if we had known each other forever she was as nervous as I was. Then she came back and was one of my first #DiamondForum Show she and Author Regina Puckett was my first Panel Guest on June 23rd 2014, I h

  • the melting pot of talents&creativity

    17/11/2014 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up #Diamonds! Thank you for your continued support of the show and the people who come on the show to expose their business, talents, and creativity. Every so often I am blessed to have a different kind of talent and creativity on my show, this weeks guest is and Actor and a Writer Mr. Bryan Casserly! I am always excited to bring new guest to you this actor started at age 8 and is still moving doing his thing! He not only acts he writes as well along with being easy on the eyes. You can check out some of his acting films on his website at that way you can see the face behind the voice and ask questions for those looking to get into acting and/or writing the studio line is always open at #347-237-4697. I will also have a comedy skit from my #DiamondComedian Brian T. Shirley host of the BTS radio show on Kinetic HiFi and music. I will be a guest on Brian's show on November 19th 2014 at 4:30 tune in to find out what we will be talking about although I'm not sure what it is

  • Creating success & happiness in your business/DiamondDelights promos

    10/11/2014 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up Diamonds! Thank you for tuning into another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork show your #support is very much #appreciated. For this show I will be interviewing Business Motivator Mike Sutton the owner of website. I guess I would describe Mike as a sort of motivational business mentor who talks about ways to build your business and be happy doing it. Mike is a prime example and reminder that we can do anything when we work it out from the inside to the outside. He was once diagnosed with depression but he had a drive to find happiness within himself and a determination to build. Once he accomplished this he was ready to motivate others to do the same.  His podcast are readily available to help motivate you through those difficult times that we have all experienced at one time or another in striving to build our business and personal relationships. Join us on Monday at 3:00pm EST to listen and get some tips on situations you might be going through right now, don't forget you c

  • Pre-recording That Boy Clippa Interview

    03/11/2014 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds! Thank you for your continued support! This is such a super experience and I am having so much fun while learning about the people I socialize with and about my personal business growth. It's your support that keeps this show moving don't get discouraged if you only see 4 followers there are over 2,000 people that has listen and still listen to my show episodes. This show was born in March 2014 and that numbers are always increasing! The #support that is shown to #selfemployed #entrepreneurs #talents #authors #musicians #IndieMusicArtist and so much more amazes me everyday and I humbly thank you. This weeks episode with be part pre-recording and part live.. I will be talking to you live and be playing a recording of my interview with Steven Stech "aka" That Boy Clippa. Find out about the man behind the music, sometimes we tend to judge a book by its colors and music, listen to Steven's interview you'll find a hard working father that loves his daughter. He'll also share with talk about li

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