Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Interview with Jimmy Packes & Brand Building Tips



What's Up Diamonds, Last weeks show was pretty wild... the women were live! It's all good on the show thank you for listening and #supporting the show. Monday's show is my long awaited interview with Jimmy Packes Twitter handle @axxepackes. I know you have heard his music on the show and his latest  rock out song "Give Me Chills" which is just one of my favorites from the artist I promote and support. Now you'll hear about how he got started up to what he's doing today which is a mixture of making music and teaching music, you really know when a  person takes his music seriously when you eat, drink, play and teach music. Jimmy's world is about music 24/7 and he does a fantastic job at it, check out his #YouTube channel it's loaded with music samples even videos of his students. I had a great time talking with him and getting to know more about him although it was a little difficult to find a date we both could obligate to. The interview you will hear is a podcast taken earlier in the month but the show its