Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

You Can Have It All



What's Up Diamonds! Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to support the show! I hope your getting all your Christmas shopping done and you're not breaking the bank doing so... Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. So give unselfishly with love as he did. This will be my last live show of the year coming back in 2015 with something new so keep me on your mobile devices! Why not make the last show about having it all for the New Years.. and who better to start with besides my fellow loyal Twitter follower @spoileddive111 Mrs. Deborah Martin-Minton she is the CEO and Founder of Power Play Productions,LLC. Her company manages music artist emphasis on "Unsigned" music artist are you or do you know someone in music that needs a manager? She is has and is continuing to build quite a selection of artist one of them in particular #Diamondboy @THEREALCOLDCASH he was a guest on my show a few months ago you can check out interview under the episodes tab. She manages at least 5 others find out who they