Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Time To Get Busy- Coffee Talk



Happy New Year Diamonds! I hope you all had a Fabulously Fun and safe New Year! I don't know about you but I am glad November and December of 2014 are done! I have been so busy I had to make an appointment to breathe.... I am #soserious. It's all finish somewhat now and time to move on to the next segment of my life. Thank you all for your support in 2014 as I look forward to getting your business exposed in 2015! There's a lot of good things planned for the show as I work hard to get your business and talents broadcast. In case you haven't observed the shows new time is 6:00pm EST still on Monday's, why the change you ask? I tell you bout it on the show.  Monday's show is #CoffeeTalk time I wanted to have this time with you before my parade of guest and new musicians start coming through #soexcited! It is my time to get a little personal about what's been going on in my life for the holiday's, discuss new discoveries for social networking, brand building, New Years resolutions and all that good stuff. I a