Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show



Intro. This show is about us the people the working class, moms, dads and #military personal (as the wife of a Marine) relating to everyday life giving it to you real in my #murphyslaw virtual studio. Giving free exposure via interviews to entrepreneurs, self-employed, dreamers, hidden talents, small biz owners they don't have to pay for. I also give #IndependentArtist with good clean music an opportunity to have their songs played on this show free.. That's the working class is paying for enough don't you think WE are supporting the rich and the poor. #middlemanentertainment #linajones #diamondnetwork #diamondtalk #diamonddelights #socialmedia #ljdnshow #twitter #facebook #instagram. Check me out


  • New Businesses Coming Out Owner/CEO of Miniature Me Academy Miss. Joy

    17/08/2015 Duración: 01h40min

    What's Up #Diamonds, Here we are again with a new week, and a new episode of the LJDN Show! So far this month has brought some interesting and challenging guest. This show has brought happiness to so many of my guest, given free exposure to their companies and helped  increase there social media connections. results vary just like advertisement only thing is my show does charge you any money for it. I thank all of you for that your #continued support it’s what keeps this show going #muchappreciated #loveDiamonds.  All I can say is it’s free, and it’s here, so why not use it… that’s why the show was created. Monday’s guests understand the meaning of free advertisement because when she opened her center she looked for it and utilized every avenue that offered it. My Monday’s guest is Miss. Joy (formally known as) Miss. Monique the now Owner and CEO of her very own child care facility called Miniature Me Academy. Yep! She did it! Most of you who have been listening to my show since last year remember my inter

  • Author & Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influences Ted Coine'

    10/08/2015 Duración: 02h02min

    What's Up #Diamonds Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show , and as always I thank you for your support, for listening, and downloading this shows episodes. I ask for your continued support of this show, the guest, entrepreneurs, businesses, music, filmmakers and talent that this show supports. I enjoy talking with them and hope you are enjoying listening to us on your computer, tablet, lab top and mobile phones. Monday’s guest is Mr. Ted Coine’ is one of Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer’s, I know I just said mouthful but that’s nothing compared to Ted’s background. He is also one of the “Top 100 Leadership Experts”. Now I know I usually have something to say about the “experts” because I feel that no one is really an “expert” when it comes to social media I think it’s a loaded pistol and the bullets can land anywhere. But I give props where props is due and Ted Coine’ is one of them, he is one of those people that actually get it. Not only does he get it! He’s spreading

  • music and talk about cecile the lion

    03/08/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What’s up Diamonds! Here we are in the beginning of August summer is slowly leaving us y’all, if you didn’t get your summer fun on yet I think you better start because the days are already getting shorter. But I love the fall, and I love the spring, I love the winter too but sometimes winter just doesn’t want to leave and let spring in. I didn’t write this to talk about the weather so I’ll keep it moving anyways thank you for #supporting the show. Monday’s guest  was not able to make it at the last minute. #space filler I talked about #Cecile the lion, the Google watch apps and we had some good music. If you haven’t checked out my August calendar now is your time to do so all you have to do is click  and goto the shows official website.You can also read my July’s guest recap and more check it out. Remember if you know someone that would like to be a guest on the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork show just drop me an email.

  • Talent In 10 Episode #4

    27/07/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episoide of  "Talent In 10", the show is becoming quite popular and Im able to give great exposure #indiFilm #filmmakers #Authors and talents of such. I can't do it without you though, I'am so appreciative of your support of my show. I ask for your continued support for our guest and music artist that we promote on the show. They are just as appreciative of your support as I am #luvinDiamonds. Monday's "Talent In 10" Show will be a little bit diffrent I am going to play back to back all 3 eposides of Jay Burton "Bermuda" series. I will also have my first animated audio series, of course there will be a link to the visual, but I want you to imagine it using your audio senses. The animation is excellent, the name of the show  is "Ray & Clovis". A former guest of mine David Andrade is actually one of the animation people, the name of his production is "Animation Theory". I might have some other new comedy footage for you as well not sure as of yet you will see it in

  • Interview with Author Colin Chapman

    20/07/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up Diamonds, I hope you all are keeping cool in the mist of the heat here in Virginia! Can you believe were almost through July who says time goes by slowly? I love the support that you all show each time you click or download my shows,, it truly amazes me. I humbly thank you all, in and asked that you continue to support the show. Monday’s guest I have an Author in the house this one is Author Colin Chapman he has a book called “Cold Call” and it is a thriller about a man that once was rich but now is poor. Of course those that have had the good life and lose it always wanted back, so he goes through some changes to try to get it back. The question is does he get it back? I think you have to read the book to find out. Either way sounds very interesting and so does the man who wrote it. From earning a living as a construction worker to be an author of a great selling book, do you think the transformation was hard? We will soon find out on Monday show 6 PM EST. If you would like to speak to Colin pers

  • Made in America Entrepreneur Kristen Jarrett CEO of Krissy's Limeade

    13/07/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, I hope your keeping cool in the crazy hot weather we have been having, this is definitely beach weather and I’m glad I live close by one. July is slowly creeping out of here before you know it will be fall, so you better enjoy your short lived summer. Thank you for supporting the show and for following me on social networks. Monday’s guests is Kristen Jarret the CEO Krissy’s Homemade Limeade. I love this show, because I get to talk to different types of entrepreneurs and help them build their brand and allows folks to find out about their business. I met Kristen Jarret while I was taking pictures at a Relay for Life event, she told me about her limeade and I told her about my show. From there we exchanged information and the rest history. Her limeade is homemade not imported I don’t know if you got a chance to listen to #CoffeeTalk last Monday when we talked about made in America goods and products. Kristen is the second entrepreneur I’ve had on the show that  manufacture a food product

  • Coffee Talk Time7-09-15 Let's Talk About Stuff!

    06/07/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up #Diamonds! It's about that time again for #CoffeeTalk that means it's time to sit back with a cold cup of latta, sweet tea, or a glass of your favorite wine chilled and let's talk about stuff. I want to thank you for supporting the show I’m always grateful for the time that you give to listen to the show, Retweet and Tweet the postings, liking and sharing them in your social networks, I am appreciative thankful to you. On this Coffee Talk episode we’re going to talk about the truth about how it outlet malls. We all go to them, we love them and we get great bargains but what are we really getting? You might know some info. on this subject too, if so call-im and share! We’re also going to talk about some new rules for coffee is it good for you? Should you have a jolt of it every day or should you just leave it alone #newinfo.  I will talk about green cars are they still worth the money I know when I was looking to purchase a car I wanted a hybrid because I wanted to be green and I wanted to be ahead

  • Talent In 10 Project Show #3

    29/06/2015 Duración: 01h59min

    What's Up Diamonds, Wow! The month has really went by fast, you know how you think you have all this time to do all the things on your to To Do List and before you know it your time is up and maybe you got 50% of it completed and the other 50% is still lingering waiting to do. I hope you enjoyed my podcast for the past two weeks I'm back live just in time for my “Talent In 10” episode! I thank you all for your support and listening clicking, sharing, RT, like and all of the above I am truly blessed. Monday’s “Talent In 10” show is full of new talent the show is almost full I have episode 3 of Jay Burton’s “Bermuda Series” and his new movie “Dormant” trailer that I’m going to play. I have a new short film from Filmmaker John Luerding called “Diary Of A Vampire” a new short film comedy from Translumin Productions called “Ukraine” and last I have a poem recital from Steve Caresser entitled “Girl Companion” that he says it’s “something every woman every married woman wants”. There's lots going on so tune in. W

  • Coffee Talk #Podcast #LJDNShow

    22/06/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up Diamonds, One more week left of vacation time is moving fast and so am I This will be my last podcast not for the year but for a few months every so often I have to take a break to play catch because life can be crazy, unpredictable which causes us to fall behind on projects. This podcasts is a #CoffeeTalk episode that recorded on October 14, 2014 (#ColumbusDay) CoffeeTalk episodes are always my most popular show, why because their informative. I research lots of information for these episodes which by the way I have one coming up in July upon my return that will be a live show. I talk about brand building, give some social networking tips some, TV shows just a variety of different things I call “Stuff” that I talk about. You’ll also get to hear some comedy from my resident Comedian Brian T. Shirley and listen to some music from the DiamondDelights. I hope you enjoy the CoffeeTalk sessions as much as I do it is my one-on-one time with you and am able to share with you without sharing my audience

  • Podcast of Interview w/Ms. Judy of Lil Pops BBQ sauce

    15/06/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up #Diamonds, I hope everyone's week is going well and your summer is off to a great start! My listeners are increasing daily and I thank you all for giving me your time and listening to my show. I wish blessings on all of your businesses and if you don’t have a business blessings on your family, households and jobs. For the next two weeks I will be a vacation this Monday the 15th and 22 June returning on 29 June of June for my talent in 10 show. What have I been doing while I’ve been looking for new music artists, looking for new guest, updating the video by website attending networking meetings, put together new projects, basically I’ve been busy. Monday’s show is a podcast that with Ms. Judy of Lil Pops BBQ sauce back in September 2014. Before I had that interview with Ms. Judy I went and visited her at the Little Creek Naval Base Commissary. There she was with her spicy and original flavored BBQ sauce all seasoned up on some ground turkey meat, she dipped some Tostitos chips in it and w

  • Networking opportunities with Entrepreneur Network Marketer Robert McNulty

    08/06/2015 Duración: 01h59min

    What's Up Diamonds! Last week I was in #podcast mode this week I will have a live show then back to podcast mode for two more weeks. I hope you enjoyed my podcast episode last week and got some great Brand Building tips, and for those who haven’t listened yet you can listen at anytime. I am busy connecting with new talent, music and guest for the show so my vacation is not really a vacation. After this live show I will be in podcast mode for two more Monday’s June 15th and June 22nd returning for “Talent In 10” episode on June 29th. Monday’s guests Robert McNulty is our resident Network Marketer he is an entrepreneur by trade in the network marketing business. If you ever thought about network marketing and not sure how to make money with it he is the man you want to listen and talk to he’s super #friendly great contact. If you’re looking to invest in a Network Marketing opportunity he can guide you with that as well.  Monday he’s going to talk about a new Network Marketing opportunity that’s geared towards

  • Podcast Brand Building Tips & Diamond Delights Music

    01/06/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up #Diamonds! I have officially started my vacation this is the first podcast and there are two more to follow the dates are June 15th and June 22nd I will be returning for live broadcasts for "Talent in 10" on June 29th. I will be live next Monday, June 8th with my scheduled guest Robert McNulty he is our resident network marketer entrepreneur. I'm off to a late start but I'm getting things done hoping to bring more good entertainment to our time together on Monday's. Look out for those guest invites you should be seeing them starting next week so please check your DM if you're on Twitter, or your website email. I'll also have some new music for you I'll be bringing in new members to our #DiamondDelights music family. This episode picture about listen to was taken from my show on the February 23rd 2015 I chose this episode because it has a lot of #brandbuilding tips that you may not have heard if you've listened to any of my other shows. Not only are you going to get these tips but you can hear som

  • Talent In 10 Episode No.2

    25/05/2015 Duración: 02h02min

    What's Up Diamonds, I hope your week is going well knocking out any obstacles that arise and I am so glad you added me to your things to do list! As always I thank you with much #gratitude. Can you believe that May is almost over? June is coming up fast I hope you will be making the #best of the rest of May with a #fabulous BBQ for your #MemorialDay weekend it’s #officially grilling season! Remember don’t drink & drive always ask a trusted friend. This is the second show of my “Talent In 10”  project and I have two new talents on Monday at 6PM one of them will be a reading from Dr. Brenda Stratton’s book “Lord Save Me From Me” this is your chance to listen to some of the book before you purchase it. I also have a Character Actor Giuseppe Lentini out of #London check out his film reel and listen to his acting skills while you’re at it connect with him on Twitter. We will also hear more episodes from filmmaker Jay Burton’s Bermuda series, I will also be playing the book reading from Author Nicole M Dixon’

  • Hanging out with Indie Music Rock Artist Starkett Levee

    18/05/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's up diamonds! Time for a new episode of the LJDN show moving forward I thank you for your support of the show  for lending me your ears. Did you know you can have a banner ad on the LJDNShow's website? They're affordable too its simple all you have to do is goto the website once your in click the Diamond advertisement link there you'll see all the different size banner ads we offer. Don't worry about exposure is you'll get plenty of that. My guest this week is Starkettlevee my two DiamondDelight rock stars from NYC who are in a class all by themselves. Their music is different it's made to get you to listen to the words they are speaking. they sing about things like "That Rock Up A Hill" and "Gun Control". I am looking forward to asking them how they choose the lyrics if you are a fan of Starkett Levee now is your time to speak to them live studio lines will be open at 347 – 237 – 4697 I'm sure they would love to hear from you.  Join me on Monday at 6:00 PM EST as I hang out with Starkett

  • Exploring natural skin care with Biomed Engineer Candice Frederick

    11/05/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds! Last week was schedule was crazy for me with having to leave town so suddenly and still playing catch-up! I thank you all for your continued support of this show, the guest and the #IndieArtist music we play and listening to Crystal's amazing story of survival. Monday show is about engineering biomedical and chemical engineering to be exact Thomas A. Edison once said “we are all aware that necessity is the mother of invention” and this enterprising young women has captured the soul of just that! Miss. Candice Frederick is the CEO and Lead Formulator of her company OMG “Oh My Gosh” which is an alternative medicine, aromatherapy and spa/salon formulations company. She has reinvented products to assist in cell renewals, anti-aging product improvements and much more. I can try to explain it to you but I think she can do that better listen to my interview with her on Monday show starting at 6 PM where you’ll will hear about Miss. Candice who is a Biomedical Engineer and Chemical Engineer exp

  • Celebrating Life the Crystal Bialas

    04/05/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's Up Diamonds! I hope your week has been going well so far and I thank you for supporting this show and my guest. Last weeks Talent In 10 show went off without a hitch Nicole's book reading went very good as well as all the trailers that were played. If you would like to participate in Talent In 10 email us at This week the show is taking a different turn although show's main focus is about entrepreneurs, talents and all types of businesses, every so often I like to mix things up a little! In celebration of the Relay For Life's American Cancer Society ceremony in Chesapeake on Saturday. I thought I'd do a show about a very charming young women I met during my video tapping of cancer survival stories. Crystal Bialas has been through things at such a young age that the majority of us can't even imagine, yet through it all she has been resilient! She has accomplished so much in her life time especially being she was not expected to still be here. I won't give you details I will save

  • The Premier of Talent In 10 Project

    27/04/2015 Duración: 02h00s

    What's up #Diamonds, It's hard to believe the last Monday in April is here already! Wow time sure is flying by before you know it New Years will be here I'll still be around (God willing) and hopefully you will too. Thank you for taking the time to listen and support the show every week I give you much gratitude and humble appreciation. Monday makes for an exciting show it is finally the premier of the long-awaited “Talent In 10” show! I am so excited to show off some talent I did get one book reading and the promise of more to come for next month show so make sure you stay tuned. “Talent In 10” is all about showing what you know this gives participants the opportunity to have other people hear their talent or book or listen to a movie trailer that they’ve produced, music, poem’s and more. How it works is upon playing the audio the link will be posted so that you can have a visual view if any of that particular talent. You have the option to click on the link to watch the video or read Tweet, purchase the b

  • Its All About Care Total Care Givers Owner and CEO Shayla Nicole

    20/04/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's up #Diamonds! Here we are for another week of entrepreneurial guest! I thank you you listening to the show,  following us in social media and #supporting our guest and the #IndieArtist music we playI asked for your continued support and thank you in advance for it. Monday's guest doesn't fall short on her entrepreneurial role Owner and CEO Shayla Nicole of Total Caregivers has a lot of responsibility. My guest Shayla has a special type of concierge service the differenc is her services specialize in care childcare, Senior care, pet care, I just some of the services that she provides. I'll be talking with this unique multitasker finding out how she's able to handle this type of service as well as work with the team to help build a company with these ever so needed services. Please join us as we talk one-on-one on the show Monday. As you all are aware this is the last week to get your audio in for "Talent In 10" to be ready for the premier next Monday 4/27/15. In case you don't remember what you need

  • Two Men Franchise Owner Kathleen White

    13/04/2015 Duración: 01h57min

    What's Up Diamonds, Thank you for listening to the the show with much #gratitude please continue to listen and support the show, guest and musicians. Monday is back to buisness, I'll be talking to one of the local business owner KATHLEEN WHITE franchise owner. We get to find out the nitty-gritty of owning a franchise my guest Kathleen purchased into the "Two Men" moving company, a name most of you are familiar with or have knowledge of, in any case I'll be asking Kathleen more about it so you'll hear it again. For me owning a franchise would be scary, from my perspective, maybe a McDonalds or Burger King anything short of that I would worry about its success rate. But I must say Kathleen is doing it and doing it well! I will be asking her my usual line of questioning, her inspiration and drive to open a moving truck business. What are some of the struggles and achievements that occur especially when it comes to the big corporate companies like Harrison's. I was also wondering is social media a dominant adve

  • Keeping It Real with DiamondDelights Gospel Hip Hop #IndieArtist TJ Praise

    06/04/2015 Duración: 02h01min

    What's Up #Diamonds! Well March is finally over along with its unpredictable weather and April is finally yes! I hope everyone is planning a #super Easter weekend. April is a month of sacrifice it falls right in line with the sacrifice my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ made for all of us. And I appreciate the sacrifice you all make it by listening to my show every Monday thank you so much please continue to #support the show and the guest. Monday's guests is Gospel #IndieArtist TJ Praise who lives here in Virginia so I have had the opportunity to meet with him several times. TJ is a young man full of life and loving his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounded around gospel hip-hop music for some reason it seems like it's an oxymoron, that gospel and hip-hop should be in the same sentence. As a Gospel Hip-Hop artists TJ definitely has something to say about that like most artists he defends his music and his style vigorously and am here let folks know that you can mix gospe

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