Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Celebrating Life the Crystal Bialas



What's Up Diamonds! I hope your week has been going well so far and I thank you for supporting this show and my guest. Last weeks Talent In 10 show went off without a hitch Nicole's book reading went very good as well as all the trailers that were played. If you would like to participate in Talent In 10 email us at This week the show is taking a different turn although show's main focus is about entrepreneurs, talents and all types of businesses, every so often I like to mix things up a little! In celebration of the Relay For Life's American Cancer Society ceremony in Chesapeake on Saturday. I thought I'd do a show about a very charming young women I met during my video tapping of cancer survival stories. Crystal Bialas has been through things at such a young age that the majority of us can't even imagine, yet through it all she has been resilient! She has accomplished so much in her life time especially being she was not expected to still be here. I won't give you details I will save