Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 Episode #4



What's up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episoide of  "Talent In 10", the show is becoming quite popular and Im able to give great exposure #indiFilm #filmmakers #Authors and talents of such. I can't do it without you though, I'am so appreciative of your support of my show. I ask for your continued support for our guest and music artist that we promote on the show. They are just as appreciative of your support as I am #luvinDiamonds. Monday's "Talent In 10" Show will be a little bit diffrent I am going to play back to back all 3 eposides of Jay Burton "Bermuda" series. I will also have my first animated audio series, of course there will be a link to the visual, but I want you to imagine it using your audio senses. The animation is excellent, the name of the show  is "Ray & Clovis". A former guest of mine David Andrade is actually one of the animation people, the name of his production is "Animation Theory". I might have some other new comedy footage for you as well not sure as of yet you will see it in