Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 Project Show #3



What's Up Diamonds, Wow! The month has really went by fast, you know how you think you have all this time to do all the things on your to To Do List and before you know it your time is up and maybe you got 50% of it completed and the other 50% is still lingering waiting to do. I hope you enjoyed my podcast for the past two weeks I'm back live just in time for my “Talent In 10” episode! I thank you all for your support and listening clicking, sharing, RT, like and all of the above I am truly blessed. Monday’s “Talent In 10” show is full of new talent the show is almost full I have episode 3 of Jay Burton’s “Bermuda Series” and his new movie “Dormant” trailer that I’m going to play. I have a new short film from Filmmaker John Luerding called “Diary Of A Vampire” a new short film comedy from Translumin Productions called “Ukraine” and last I have a poem recital from Steve Caresser entitled “Girl Companion” that he says it’s “something every woman every married woman wants”. There's lots going on so tune in. W