Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Coffee Talk Time7-09-15 Let's Talk About Stuff!



What's up #Diamonds! It's about that time again for #CoffeeTalk that means it's time to sit back with a cold cup of latta, sweet tea, or a glass of your favorite wine chilled and let's talk about stuff. I want to thank you for supporting the show I’m always grateful for the time that you give to listen to the show, Retweet and Tweet the postings, liking and sharing them in your social networks, I am appreciative thankful to you. On this Coffee Talk episode we’re going to talk about the truth about how it outlet malls. We all go to them, we love them and we get great bargains but what are we really getting? You might know some info. on this subject too, if so call-im and share! We’re also going to talk about some new rules for coffee is it good for you? Should you have a jolt of it every day or should you just leave it alone #newinfo.  I will talk about green cars are they still worth the money I know when I was looking to purchase a car I wanted a hybrid because I wanted to be green and I wanted to be ahead