Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Comedy DiamondDelights music and Tech talk



What's up Diamonds, This has been a busy and long month for the show our first January since the start of the show. We thank you for hanging in there with us thru it all. Live shows can be so challenging and fragile especially when the slightest thing can go so wrong and throw you off your game. I hope you continue to hang in there with us as we grow and continuously work out our glitches. #muchgratitude Monday's show is all about the music! I will be promoting all of the artist on the shows #DiamondDelight list. I haven't done that in a while and I think it's due what about you? We have some good music, new songs and new artist to listen to on Monday's show. Also we are going to hear a new skit from our resident Comedian and Talk show host Brian T. Shirley we'll get to hear some of what he's been working on over the holiday, while we were out shopping Brian was making folks laugh. Also  I'll be giving out some new tech tips in social networkers out there on the #DiamondNetwork and beyond. So join me why d