Whats Your Story?



Lifestyle, self-development, and human interest practitioner, Jake Parker, interviews individuals with unique life stories or career paths to show how we are all alike and different in so many ways.


  • Mindset Monday: Results are Boring! (How to Fall in Love with the Process)

    04/01/2021 Duración: 11min

    The journey is the destination. This is just one way of saying, you need to fall in love with the process in order to be successful! Hear some hat tips to James Clear, Naval Ravikant, Adam Grant, and Albert Einstein in this podcast about how to get results that last, by being passionate and curious. Mentioned: Mindset Monday: The Best Way to Set Goals

  • Episode 156: Gareth Sapstead on The Muscles You're Undertraining

    30/12/2020 Duración: 54min

    Gareth Sapstead is the author of multiple training guides and hundreds of articles for websites like T-Nation. He has also spend countless hours coaching both athletes and the general population, making him uniquely qualified to talk training Xs and Os on this podcast today! We discussed why results always win, how to improve, the answer "it depends", and many specifics about training. Timestamps: 1:42 Gareth’s background & working with gen pop vs. athletes. 13:11 The sniper approach vs. the shotgun approach to improvement. 21:40 People aren’t an equation. 26:25 Guidance for balanced training. (Stop training just the muscles you see in the mirror!) 45:54 Mind-muscle connection. Gareth's website: https://thefitnessmaverick.com/gareth-sapstead/ Please take 30 seconds to go here Beyond Fit to rate the podcast, it means the world to me! Any questions or comments for me? Here's my email jrparker95@gmail.com

  • Mindset Monday: Top 5 Takeaways from The 4-Hour Work Week

    28/12/2020 Duración: 16min

    Escape the 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich! That is the tagline to Tim Ferriss's best selling book, The 4-Hour Work Week. In this episode find out how to use its takeaways TODAY to live a more productive and intentional life. I discuss many quotes from Tim like “life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask" or “ninety-nine percent of people believe they can’t do great things, so they aim for mediocrity.” This book was an awesome read and made this podcast fun to do, I hope you enjoy it!

  • Episode 155: Chase Chewning on The Hard Yes vs. The Easy No

    23/12/2020 Duración: 51min

    Chase Chewning is a coach, podcaster, and all around wellness practitioner. This episode is packed with value as Chase and I discussed- entrepreneurship, mental health, nuance in decision making, how success compounds, and more! Follow Chase on Instagram where you can also find his podcast "Ever Forward" https://www.instagram.com/chase_chewning/ Timestamps 1:00 What has starting the entrepreneurial journey looked like for you? 14:32 Balancing physical health with the rest of life. 24:00 Implementing eustress in your life. 31:15 Finding meaning. 45:43 how has stoicism shaped you? Follow me on Instagram, and be sure to screenshot and tag me when you're listening to the show! https://www.instagram.com/jakeparker.fit/ If you like the podcast you'll love the weekly Beyond Fit newsletter! https://mailchi.mp/1958c6837d41/sign-up-for-newsletter

  • Mindset Monday: The Best Way to Set Goals

    21/12/2020 Duración: 16min

    Here is an overview of exactly how I set goals which I've come to see as the most effective way! Learn how to remember your goals daily, tools to use to accomplish them, and what to remember along the way! Mentioned: Episode 99: Setting Routines & Habits Episode 100: 5 Minute Fit Tip- The Weekly Review Episode 110: 5 Minute Fit Tip- What You Seek is What You Find

  • Episode 154: Q&A (Warming up, supplements, lifting safely, stretching, portion sizes, rest)

    16/12/2020 Duración: 33min

    This Q & A episode of the podcast was inspired by specific (or just repeat) questions from listeners, Instagram followers, and clients. I covered the following, offering specific solutions as well as some anecdotes: 5:45- What's the best way to warm up? 11:21- What supplements are worth taking? 20:18- How do I make sure I'm lifting safely? 23:00- When and how should I stretch? 26:15- What should my portion sizes look like? 29:24- How long should I rest between sets? Mentioned: Mindset Monday: How to Stop Ego Lifting in 4 Steps Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585 Follow/DM me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakeparker.fit/ Email me: jrparker95@gmail.com

  • Mindset Monday: Stop Being Afraid of Failure

    14/12/2020 Duración: 07min

    “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” -Samuel Beckett Failure can be one of the best ways to learn and grow, although it's very painful at times. Listen in to learn how to dare greatly with some anecdotes about failure from me and 3 reasons to fear failure less.

  • Episode 153: Aaron Straker on Objective Eating, Mindset, & Cheat Codes!

    09/12/2020 Duración: 52min

    Aaron Straker is a Nutrition Coach and the developer of the Metabolic Performance Protocol. This is the first time him and I have got to chat face to face, it was tons of fun and I'm extremely grateful to Aaron for his time! Among the things we covered are- why we don't do meal plans as coaches, alcohol consumption, and common mistakes people are making with nutrition. Follow Aaron on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aaron_straker/  Mentioned:  https://www.ynharari.com/book/sapiens-2/ https://renaissanceperiodization.com/ Episode 121: Anders Varner (Host of the "Barbell Shrugged" Podcast) Timestamps: 1:39 Objective eating. 5:59 Aaron's turning point (Crossfit, Paleo, and getting injured). 16:47 Men are no less insecure about their bodies than women are. 25:12 Getting back in touch with your body. 39:51 Common nutrition mistakes and misusing caffeine. Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585

  • Mindset Monday: How to Stop Ego Lifting in 4 Steps

    07/12/2020 Duración: 10min

    Ego lifting can stunt gains like nothing else in the gym! In this podcast learn about the importance of full range of motion to stay strong and healthy, as well as mindset tips to get over ego lifting (we've all been there)!

  • Episode 152: Pat Flynn on Making Truth your Target

    02/12/2020 Duración: 56min

    I was very grateful to have Pat Flynn join me on the Beyond Fit podcast today! I recently heard Pat talk on Mike Matthew's Muscle for Life podcast and upon sharing some emails back and forth was excited to extend him an invitation to come on the show and discuss how to pursue truth through a combination of knowledge, experience, and virtuous living. We got to discuss the philosophies of Aristotle and others as well as why even the most intelligent people use "motivated reasoning." Timestamps: 4:15- Fitness dogma. 12:57- Making truth your target. Cognitive biases. 30:58- “It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” -Charlie Munger 38:52- The Golden Mean 49:59- Why fitness as a vocation Pat's Website: www.chroniclesofstrength.com Pat's Podcast: The Pat Flynn Show  Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType

  • Mindset Monday: Two Things to Remember in Life & Fitness

    30/11/2020 Duración: 14min

    Oftentimes using stories and anecdotes is the best way to think about our lives and remember to make good decisions. Here I share a couple that work for me. I go into how to deal with struggle and success, the competing forces inside our heads, the benefits of meditation, and more in this episode. Thank you so much for listening!

  • Episode 151: 5 Ways Food is More Than Calories (& Holiday Eating Guide)

    25/11/2020 Duración: 31min

    As I always harp on, when it comes to building muscle or losing fat- it comes down to calories in vs. calories out. Now, there's a lot of factors at play here but ultimately what diet you're on or how clean or dirty the food you eat is will not be the ultimate determinant, calories will be. That being said we must think about how food fuels our performance and gets/keeps us full among other things. Most importantly, we have to recognize that sometimes the enjoyment of food and the people with which we share food with is more important than the nutritional value. Mentioned: Episode 150: Should You Track Macros? Please take 30 seconds to rate Beyond Fit! If you like the podcast you'll love the weekly Beyond Fit newsletter! https://mailchi.mp/1958c6837d41/sign-up-for-newsletter Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585

  • Mindset Monday: The Paradox of Choice

    23/11/2020 Duración: 12min

    On this podcast I discuss the paradox of choice and how it relates to our tendency to "paralysis by analysis." I also offer some anecdotes to decrease decision fatigue and single-task strategically instead of multi-task. Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585 Follow me on Instagram, and be sure to screenshot and tag me when you're listening to the show! https://www.instagram.com/jakeparker.fit/

  • Episode 150: Should You Track Macros?

    18/11/2020 Duración: 33min

    In this episode I discuss macros- what are they, what foods contain which, and the pros and cons of tracking vs. not tracking. I also talk about the "is a calorie a calorie?" debate, the peri-workout window as opposed to the anabolic window, the one food I always avoid, and the problem with healthy fats. Mentioned: Full Day of Eating & Tracking https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdWGGmjalc/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Episode 144: Is Eating Refined Grains (White Bread/Pasta/Rice) Bad for You? Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585

  • Mindset Monday: Do This for Better Results in the Gym & Life

    16/11/2020 Duración: 09min

    Oftentimes we optimize for the wrong thing and wind up being efficient in some pointless or trivial task. What we should strive for is being effective in all areas of life, in this podcast I explain why and give some examples. Please take 30 seconds to go here Beyond Fit to rate the podcast, it means the world to me!  Want to make the show even better? Take the listener questionnaire! https://forms.gle/mFTZXAkTB81CTUqA6

  • Episode 149: Are you Ready to Change your Life?

    11/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    This podcast is all about my new coaching service designed for people who want to learn to sustainably build a healthy, strong physique. I've fallen victim to every trap the fitness industry has to offer which is why I'm uniquely qualified to help you along in your own fitness journey! Descriptions and videos from former podcast guests will help you dial in your training, and specialized nutrition advice will help anyone succeed no matter your unique dietary needs or lifestyle preferences. Listen in for the why behind the program and its details. I am confident this episode will provide value whether or not you become a client. If you've ever program hopped, been frustrated with stunted progress, or wondered how to stay fit without spending hours in the gym and agonizing over food choices, this podcast is for you! Plus there's a special offer as well! Apply for a coaching discovery call today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585 

  • Mindset Monday- This Book Redefined My Life

    09/11/2020 Duración: 14min

    On this book review podcast I discuss Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book opened my eyes to why I am successful with some habits and falter with others. I discuss the two-minute rule, the Goldilocks rule, the 4 laws of behavior change and more in this episode. I try to keep everything very tangible and useful by providing examples from my own life. I think you will find this podcast very useful and I appreciate you giving it a listen!

  • Episode 148: Fear, Circadian Alignment, Creatine, Rest

    04/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    Thank you for tuning into another episode of the Beyond Fit podcast!  In this podcast we will discuss: Fear and more specifically the mindset behind fear. Where does fear come from and how can we overcome it? Circadian Alignment as it relates to feeling and performing our best, some tips on proper sleep habits and more. Creatine busting myths and sharing suggestions for taking this popular supplement. Rest (between sets) which is one of the most misunderstood and improperly utilized components of strength training. Mentioned: https://www.ynharari.com/ (More specifically his book "Sapiens") Episode 97: Steven Pressfield

  • Motivation Monday: Few Achieve Success, Many Don't. Here's Why-

    02/11/2020 Duración: 10min

    There is one thing that holds people back from achieving success in fitness or any endeavor in life, it is what makes us procrastinate and claim "perfectionism." Find out the keys to inspiration and success in this episode.

  • Episode 147: Why Everyone Should be a Bodybuilder

    26/10/2020 Duración: 25min

    What comes to mind when you think of a bodybuilder? A Ronnie Coleman or Dorian Yates? Professional bodybuilders have the advantage of both genetics (like most basketball players are gifted with size and quickness- bodybuilders have an elite capacity to grow muscle) and steroid use. We should all train like bodybuilders however, because as exercise unequivocally unlocks a healthier life, most want exercise to maximize their physique and appearance- this is what bodybuilding does in contrast to the grueling nature of cardio which most know. Additionally bodybuilding will teach you to push yourself mentally which strengthens your resolve, it makes you practice objectivity, and it keeps you interested with constant goal setting. I discuss these concepts and more in this podcast, I hope you enjoy! Mentioned: James Clear (https://jamesclear.com/) Robert Greene (https://powerseductionandwar.com/) Jordan Peterson (https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/)

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