Whats Your Story?

Episode 147: Why Everyone Should be a Bodybuilder



What comes to mind when you think of a bodybuilder? A Ronnie Coleman or Dorian Yates? Professional bodybuilders have the advantage of both genetics (like most basketball players are gifted with size and quickness- bodybuilders have an elite capacity to grow muscle) and steroid use. We should all train like bodybuilders however, because as exercise unequivocally unlocks a healthier life, most want exercise to maximize their physique and appearance- this is what bodybuilding does in contrast to the grueling nature of cardio which most know. Additionally bodybuilding will teach you to push yourself mentally which strengthens your resolve, it makes you practice objectivity, and it keeps you interested with constant goal setting. I discuss these concepts and more in this podcast, I hope you enjoy! Mentioned: James Clear (https://jamesclear.com/) Robert Greene (https://powerseductionandwar.com/) Jordan Peterson (https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/)