Whats Your Story?

Episode 151: 5 Ways Food is More Than Calories (& Holiday Eating Guide)



As I always harp on, when it comes to building muscle or losing fat- it comes down to calories in vs. calories out. Now, there's a lot of factors at play here but ultimately what diet you're on or how clean or dirty the food you eat is will not be the ultimate determinant, calories will be. That being said we must think about how food fuels our performance and gets/keeps us full among other things. Most importantly, we have to recognize that sometimes the enjoyment of food and the people with which we share food with is more important than the nutritional value. Mentioned: Episode 150: Should You Track Macros? Please take 30 seconds to rate Beyond Fit! If you like the podcast you'll love the weekly Beyond Fit newsletter! https://mailchi.mp/1958c6837d41/sign-up-for-newsletter Sign up for a FREE coaching discovery call https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18840460&appointmentType=18201585