Amber Leitz



Amber is a Sensuality & Sacred Sexuality Coach who focuses on helping women to awaken their sensuality, pleasure and sexual energy through various rituals, practices and private coaching. She helps women remember that they are sensual and erotic by nature and to connect back to their pleasure potential and the ecstasy of their orgasm. She also sells the jade egg in her online shop on Etsy, The Erotic Woman Shop. She is the creator of Jade Egg Sexual Mastery, an online course for women who desire to begin (or deepen) a jade egg practice and fully awaken their sensuality, pleasure and erotic power.


  • Sexy Client Spotlight: Alexandra on Being a Spiritual Woman Who Also Wants to Be Tied up & Spanked

    02/10/2020 Duración: 01h20min

    LISTEN ON MY BLOG: Want to get in on the 6-Month Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind? Get the details and book a call here because I'm only taking 9 women and there are only 3 spots left! We begin October 3rd. (DM me on Instagram @amberleitz if you want in the mm) In this episode Alexandra and I discuss… Being conscious spiritual women who also wanna to be choked, spanked & tied up with ropes Her evolution from her cosmic angel channeling starseed persona to a multidimensional woman who embraces all sides of herself from her mother to her kinky naughty whore self to her warrior to her priestess and everything in between How saying yes to herself and joining a women’s circle changed her whole life and started her descent into the erotic and the divine feminine What happened when she realized she had been denying herself and not saying yes to her desires or owning her erotic energy How her unfulfilling relationship was th

  • Client Spotlight: Nikki on Permission, Authenticity in Eroticism & Unexpectedly Attracting a Lover

    26/09/2020 Duración: 01h07min

    LISTEN ON MY BLOG: Want to get in on the 6-Month Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind? Get the details and book a call here because I'm only taking 9 women and there are limited spots left! We begin October 3rd. This is one of the juiciest podcast conversations EVER.⁣ I interviewed one of my Seductress Deep Dive clients, Nikki.⁣ She shared so raw and real what her journey has been like connecting to her pleasure, eros and seductress.⁣⁣ She shared what it was like being committed to this path now and how it’s infused into all of these other areas of her life. I’m so excited to bring these conversations with past and current clients to open up the conversation around connecting with our eros and pleasure. Especially for those of you who might be on the fence about joining the Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind with me…you can get a taste of what’s really possible when you connect with this energy.⁣ I also felt incredibly rejuvenated in

  • This is What REALLY Gets You Results (Hotter Sex, Overflowing Bank Account, Mind-Blowing Orgasms)

    20/09/2020 Duración: 54min

    LISTEN ON MY BLOG: Want to get in on the 6-Month Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind? Get the details and book a call here because I'm only taking 9 women and so far I have only 6 spots left with several women figuring things out! What is it that actually gets you results? Like hotter sex, an overflowing bank account or mind-blowing orgasms. And not just one-off results, but results that are sustainable, repeatable and that you can build on…and don’t cause you to spin out in sabotage afterwards. Or think it was a one time fluke. I recorded some of the podcast outside so you can hear a ringing noise which is a bunch of cicadas lol In this episode I share… Why we often think our results are a “fluke” or that we got lucky How that mentality affects our ability to enjoy, receive and celebrate our results…and keep them building!! What actually gets you the results you

  • What to do when you deprive yourself of pleasure and/or overindulge until it becomes toxic

    28/08/2020 Duración: 35min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: On Saturday August 29th my 7-Day Livestream Party begins, 7 Sinful Secrets of a Pleasure Hedonist Sign up here: Do you ever feel like you deprive yourself of pleasure? Or deny yourself pleasure as punishment? Or because you don’t feel worthy of it? Or because it makes you feel guilty and ashamed? Or do you tend to swing to the other side of the pendulum and overindulge in pleasure until it becomes toxic in some way? Maybe, like me, you even oscillate between the two. For years I would deprive and deny my inner pleasure hedonist…the greedy pleasure whore within me… Like overworking, choosing work over pleasure and play, eating foods that weren’t pleasurable, trying to be perfect, etc. And then I’d swing over into overindulgance. I’d feel lazy, bad, greedy, selfish, spoiled and wrong for any pleasure. I’d lie around for hours doing my sexual healing and self pleasure practices, drinking sexy lucid dream teas asking myself, “where the hell are

  • Creating Sexual Polarity & Maintaining Desire in a Long Term Relationship Featuring My Lover Andy

    04/08/2020 Duración: 01h31min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Wednesday August 5th at 7 pm EST I’m hosting a masterclass called “Drop Your Good Girl Role & Unleash Your Uninhibited Eroticism in the Bedroom!” ​You can sign up for it here! This is a FREE masterclass on how to go from sexual stagnancy & boredom in the bedroom to red-hot passionate sex & deep erotic intimacy — even if you’re single! In this masterclass I’ll share 6 things that can potentially kill the erotic desire in your relationship and sex life PLUS several tips you can do to essentially pour erotic gasoline on the fire of your desire (; Grab a glass of red wine or a cup of tea and get cozy for a really sexy, raw and intimate conversation featuring my 2nd time guest… My lover and partner, Andy! It’s always so fun having him on the podcast and getting inside of his head… We talk about how to create sexual polarity when things seem stagnant, maintaining desire in

  • Why I Want You to Literally be Obsessed With Yourself, Who You're Becoming & the Life You're Living

    17/07/2020 Duración: 16min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: I want you to look in the mirror and be obsessed with yourself, but from a deep place of unconditional self love. The kind of deep self love and red-hot erotic self approval where you'd still be just as obsessed with yourself if you had zero dollars in your bank account and you hadn't had sex in three months. Shit could hit the fan and you'd still be just as fucking in love with and obsessed with yourself. If everything was "going wrong" or seeming like it's not working out... ...and you can still lust for the life you have now and have fucking red-hot erotic approval for yourself, shamelessly get off on all of it, have deep unconditional love for yourself AND still be just as obsessed with yourself because of the way that you navigate those situations...then you are going to become so magnetic to your desires. What this is really about is becoming obsessed with the person that you are a

  • How to Become So Irresistible to Your Desire That it's Practically Begging You to Receive it

    17/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: If you've been trying to create or manifest a desire, I imagine at some point in your journey you've felt the opposite of magnetic and irresistible. Like where is this thing I want so badly??? Why isn't it here yet? Why is my desire being such a sexy minx of a tease and making me work so hard to receive it? That usually makes us try harder, chase our desire or try to prove how worthy we are. Or we get all caught up in the how, which makes us spiral. I'm here to tell you (from personal experience and through supporting my clients) that there is a way to get what you want from a place of ease, pleasure and seduction...and it starts with your uninhibited eroticism, your fully authentic expression of your "too much" self and unlocking your magnetism. When you do this you become so magnetic and irresistible to your desire that it's practically begging YOU to receive it. Th

  • 8 Things I Do to Go From Feeling Unfulfilled & Turned Off to Orgasmically Fulfilled & Turned On

    03/07/2020 Duración: 58min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: In honor of doors being officially open for my 9-week online program for womxn, Erotic Magnetism, I wanted to share some of the rituals and practices I do regularly to go from feeling unfulfilled and turned off to orgasimcally fulfilled and turned the fuck on! I’ll be a sexy little minx and tease you today by keeping the intro short and sweet. You’re going to want to listen to this 2x. It’s really fucking juicy! Check out my 9-week program Erotic Magnetism: I’d love for you to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes and leave me a review — it will help the podcast get out. Subscribe on iTunes:…st/id1085118625 Connect with me on Instagram: Join my Private FB group for womxn only:

  • Increasing Your Havingness Level w/ Erotic Energy & Becoming Your "Next Level You" Through Sex Magic

    23/06/2020 Duración: 52min

    Increasing Your Havingness Level w/ Erotic Energy & Becoming Your "Next Level You" Through Sex Magic LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Join my upcoming livestream series 5-day Lust for Life Series here: This podcast episode was extracted from a recent Q&A call I held for my old program, Solo Sex Magic. I wanted to share it here because it was sooo juicy I couldn’t not share it. It’s packed with sex magic secrets, erotic wisdom and practices we’ll be covering in my upcoming Lust for Life Series. Before I get into the episode I want to brag that I am now officially a Certified Erotic Blueprint™ Coach! What do you want to brag? If you don’t know what bragging is, make sure to listen to this episode. In this episode I share… How you can use your capacity for erotic energy as a measure for your havingness level or your capacity to receive and have “good” things like pleasure, love, money, orgasms, etc.

  • Seducing Your Desire When it Seems Like it’s Not Coming or Working Out

    26/05/2020 Duración: 32min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: This podcast episode is a repurposed livestream I did in my private Facebook group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism. I totally recommend joining here — I guarantee it will be the hottest group & you’ll be dripping wet with excitement to come in & play (or lurk, if that’s your thing)! This episode is all about a situation I’m in right now (as of recording) where I purchased myself a $1200 red velvet couch and am experiencing issues with the delivery company… Which has thoughts popping up in my head like “see? it’s not working out!” or “it’s not coming!” Cue inner drama queen and bratty, entitled victim… That doesn’t feel very sexy & empowering for me so I’m sharing 3 powerful practices for shifting from vicitimhood into a more seductive relationship with your desire when it seems like it’s not going to work out or it’s not coming or you just feel disconnected &

  • How to Own Your Seductress When You Feel Triggered or Jealous of Other Womxn

    08/05/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: One of the most common blocks many womxn carry is the sisterhood wound. It manifests in many different ways. The fear of other womxn who are erotically expressed and/or have something we want. Triggers, jealousy, competition, comparison…how do we handle it all? How do we come out of it connected to other womxn, turned on & fully owning our inner seductress? Here’s what we explore in this episode: Why I avoided going deep with womxn for years on my erotic journey (and business journey) The top two reasons why we often get triggered or feel envious of other womxn Why we’re often terrified of womxn who are erotically expressed A story about the first time I came across my current pussy-based business coach & how I handled my trigger Why I was SO triggered around her seductress expression & the money she was making How to quick

  • How to Express Your Seductress Without the Fear of Unwanted Attention Holding You Back

    27/04/2020 Duración: 57min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: The Seductress is an archetype that loves, craves and needs to be seen. She loves being witnessed…when she wants it. There are many times when I’ve been embodying and expressing my eroticism and seductress but I received unwanted attention from it. When I first started connecting with my seductress that was very unsettling. It would cause me to hide for weeks at a time. Which was really hard as a sex coach trying to support others by being visible. Now after 5+ years of embodying and expressing my seductress (in private and public), I’ve realized some things that can help us all do this…without the fear of unwanted attending holding us back or keeping us stuck in repression, shame, trauma or hiding. Here’s what we explore in this episode: My experience with times where I received unwanted attention & how I handled it when I was embodied & integrated i

  • Is Your Shyness Holding You Back From Fully Owning Your Seductress in the Bedroom?

    08/04/2020 Duración: 52min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Join the 5-Day SEDUCTRESS Experience here: I had so much fun recording this podcast episode because I actually took a few minutes before hitting record to turn myself on and seduce myself… I put on a sexy song (Over by Honors), danced and eye gazed with myself in the mirror while touching, stroking and massaging myself lightly. I even took a few sexy photos and videos of myself before recording just to take my self seduction even further. I wanted to fully connect with my erotic self, because this week we’re talking about how your shyness, repressed eroticism or shame might be holding you back from fully unleashing and owning your seductress in the bedroom… …and all of the erotic power, magnetism, pleasure, confidence and freedom that comes with being a seductress. Here’s what we explore in this episode: My journey with the seductress

  • Seduction, Rejection & Resentment

    30/03/2020 Duración: 58min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Today’s podcast episode is a very personal one, because I’m sharing all the raw and real details of my journey with the seductress archetype, especially while on lockdown due to COVID-19. I’m taking you deep into the SEDUCTRESS archetype (make sure to join the 5-Day Seductress Experience for free here)… And we’re exploring seduction, rejection and resentment. Something that I see often (in myself too) is the cycle of seduction, rejection and resentment. Most womxn I know repress their erotic power and inner seductress…so they wait for their partner to come onto them. They’re too afraid to seduce their partners for fear of rejection…and when their partner can’t read their mind or due “reject” them, they shut down their sexuality even more and feel resentful and filled with rage and bitterness. I’ve been there…many times. Including this past weekend! haha I’m so cute when I repress my own seductress and expect my par

  • Coming Up Against Blocks in Your Sex Life or Relationship Right Now?

    22/03/2020 Duración: 44min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: This week’s podcast is repurposed from a Facebook live I did earlier this weekend in my private erotic play group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism. If you’re currently isolating or “staying in” due to COVID-19, then you might be noticing some blocks or shadows seductively revealing themselves in your sex life or relationship — even with yourself. Maybe you and your partner are fighting more. Maybe there’s tension in the air…and not the erotic kind. Maybe you’re kind of scared about being stuck alone with your lover for who knows how long, especially if you feel like you’ve been hiding your eroticism from one another in subtle ways. Or you’ve been wearing masks, putting guards and walls up or so used to playing certain roles like “good girl” or “people pleaser.” Now is the time to excavate, confront and eroticize these blocks and shadows coming up in your sex life and relatio

  • Why Having More Pleasure, Sex & Erotic Self Care is Crucial Right Now

    16/03/2020 Duración: 43min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: This whole experience with coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing a lot of fear, anxiety and panic. We can be informed, do the recommended things (like washing our hands, physical distancing and trying our best to stay inside) AND we can still make time for pleasure, sensuality, self care…and yes, our eroticism. Sex and self pleasure is one of the best balms and erotic medicines for times like this where trauma responses are high, anxiety is growing and fear is lurking everywhere. In today’s podcast episode I’m sharing why having more pleasure, sex and erotic self care…why connecting with your eroticism during times of crisis and chaos…is even MORE crucial right now. You don’t want to miss it, because I’m sharing as much as I can to help you soothe your nervous system, flood your system with feel-good, juicy hormones AND connect with a more divine perspective so we can actually be of

  • How the Journey to Manifesting Your Deepest Desires is Like Having Sex

    06/03/2020 Duración: 34min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Today’s podcast episode is a teaser and seductive sneak peek into part of the curriculum for my Solo Sex Magic program. You’ll learn about the Orgasmic Desire Cycle…which is a cycle that every single one of your hottest, juiciest desires will go through as you manifest them. I compare the journey we go on with a desire to that of the journey we go on when we engage in sex or self pleasure and it’s something you can return to over and over again. In this episode I talk about… What the Orgasmic Desire Cycle is & how every single one of your desires (the ones that turn you the fuck on at least) will go through this cycle How you can use this cycle to figure out where you are in the manifestation process, get turned back on and stay connected to your desire in the most orgasmic way The different phases of the cycle and how they compare to sex Why you should treat your desires

  • My Lover Psychologically Dominated Me in the Bedroom - Psychological Kink Play

    23/02/2020 Duración: 40min

    LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Last night Andy and I had one of the hottest erotic play dates every…although I feel that way after every single one now. We experimented with psychological kink and psychological domination. Basically he got to boss me around in the bedroom and get me to do whatever he wanted (within the limits of our erotic container and consent). I’ll tell you where we got this inspiration from in the episode…a little sexy tease for you…hehe Pyschological play, sexual polarity and dom(me)/sub power dynamics are topics (and experiments) that I’m very excited about, because playing with the taboo, psychological eroticism and kinky mind play is deeply healing, pleasurable and builds some of the hottest erotic friction between my partner and I. In this episode I talk about… Where we got the inspiration from to do our psychological kink play How we created our erotic container, discussed

  • How to Create a Sex Magic Ritual for the Leo Full Moon (or any full moon)

    14/02/2020 Duración: 40min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

  • Love Rituals & Sex Magic for More Passion, Hot Sex & Deep Love (even if you're single!)

    14/02/2020 Duración: 01h10min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

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