Amber Leitz

Creating Sexual Polarity & Maintaining Desire in a Long Term Relationship Featuring My Lover Andy



LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: Wednesday August 5th at 7 pm EST I’m hosting a masterclass called “Drop Your Good Girl Role & Unleash Your Uninhibited Eroticism in the Bedroom!” ​You can sign up for it here! This is a FREE masterclass on how to go from sexual stagnancy & boredom in the bedroom to red-hot passionate sex & deep erotic intimacy — even if you’re single! In this masterclass I’ll share 6 things that can potentially kill the erotic desire in your relationship and sex life PLUS several tips you can do to essentially pour erotic gasoline on the fire of your desire (; Grab a glass of red wine or a cup of tea and get cozy for a really sexy, raw and intimate conversation featuring my 2nd time guest… My lover and partner, Andy! It’s always so fun having him on the podcast and getting inside of his head… We talk about how to create sexual polarity when things seem stagnant, maintaining desire in