Amber Leitz

How to Become So Irresistible to Your Desire That it's Practically Begging You to Receive it



LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: If you've been trying to create or manifest a desire, I imagine at some point in your journey you've felt the opposite of magnetic and irresistible. Like where is this thing I want so badly??? Why isn't it here yet? Why is my desire being such a sexy minx of a tease and making me work so hard to receive it? That usually makes us try harder, chase our desire or try to prove how worthy we are. Or we get all caught up in the how, which makes us spiral. I'm here to tell you (from personal experience and through supporting my clients) that there is a way to get what you want from a place of ease, pleasure and seduction...and it starts with your uninhibited eroticism, your fully authentic expression of your "too much" self and unlocking your magnetism. When you do this you become so magnetic and irresistible to your desire that it's practically begging YOU to receive it. Th