Amber Leitz

Seducing Your Desire When it Seems Like it’s Not Coming or Working Out



LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: This podcast episode is a repurposed livestream I did in my private Facebook group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism. I totally recommend joining here — I guarantee it will be the hottest group & you’ll be dripping wet with excitement to come in & play (or lurk, if that’s your thing)! This episode is all about a situation I’m in right now (as of recording) where I purchased myself a $1200 red velvet couch and am experiencing issues with the delivery company… Which has thoughts popping up in my head like “see? it’s not working out!” or “it’s not coming!” Cue inner drama queen and bratty, entitled victim… That doesn’t feel very sexy & empowering for me so I’m sharing 3 powerful practices for shifting from vicitimhood into a more seductive relationship with your desire when it seems like it’s not going to work out or it’s not coming or you just feel disconnected &