Amber Leitz

How to Express Your Seductress Without the Fear of Unwanted Attention Holding You Back



LISTEN FOR FULL RESOURCES ON MY BLOG: The Seductress is an archetype that loves, craves and needs to be seen. She loves being witnessed…when she wants it. There are many times when I’ve been embodying and expressing my eroticism and seductress but I received unwanted attention from it. When I first started connecting with my seductress that was very unsettling. It would cause me to hide for weeks at a time. Which was really hard as a sex coach trying to support others by being visible. Now after 5+ years of embodying and expressing my seductress (in private and public), I’ve realized some things that can help us all do this…without the fear of unwanted attending holding us back or keeping us stuck in repression, shame, trauma or hiding. Here’s what we explore in this episode: My experience with times where I received unwanted attention & how I handled it when I was embodied & integrated i